Hello Steem Community :)

I am now for over a week here on Steemit and i have never made an introduction of myself, probably because i still don't know how to start this. But there has to be always a first time no matter what, so i better start somewhere, somehow :D

Who am I?

THUMB IMG_0436.jpg
This is me, but please call me Brian. (Wow what an awful joke xD)

I am a young man in his early twenties, who is currently studying media computer science at the University of Applied Science in Kaiserslautern.
I was born and raised here in Germany, however my mother is from the Philippines;
my second home so to speak.
My Dad went on a holiday trip with a buddy to the Philippines to have some fun and just weeks later he married my mom and carried her straight to the cold winter of Germany. The story is in detail even crazier but i guess that will be on another day :D

I always had a great intrest in computers and video games (like many kids my age) , but i also got curiuos about how graphics and video games are created.
One of my life goals is to make a video game so awesome, that my younger me could literally not stop playing it. :DIMG-20170119-WA0004.jpg
Little me at the age of 4.
Just playing around and always smiling at other people. I remember how my mom always told me that when she came home from work, i'd always run to her and gave her a big hug.

Aside from that i was a rather quiet kid. I was minding my own business with Pokemon and Super Mario. But occasionally i would meet people who had similiar intrests and we played on the playground day in day out.
Those guys would become later on my most beloved friends, no actually, I consider them more like my brothers.
Speaking of my Brother, my real brother is much older than me(33), but he always cared about me like a parent. I rarely had any sibling rivalry with him although i have to admit there are a few beefs here and there, but that is mandatory i think.

Going out

Every month i go out with my close friend Joshua to visit our Pub, the "Holzwurm"(eng: Woodworm). It has become our holy ritual. Here we can let out all the steam that builds up and just "cleanse" the mind. Well maybe cleanse isn't really a good word here, considering that we drink alcohol throughout the night . xDIMG-20170326-WA0000.jpg
Most of the time we are the last guests who leave this place and as a result many times the sun starts to rise when we go home.
Sometimes we get a taxi, sometimes we walk the 5 km home. But every once in a while we take a roundabout to the nearby lake "Seewoog". It's definitely worth it, just alone for the sunrise.

Blender the Bender

Aside from video games i also got quite intrested in 3D modelling. It happened during university where i got introduced to Blender. For one, my colleague and friend Julian is a well known member of the Blender community. He always shared some of the inside knowledge he has and all the bugs he had already fixed. When I have a problem with my model i always ask him first, since he most likely already has an answer ready.
But also my Professor made Blender as a whole very appealing. He showed me that with a few simple steps you can create something as awesome as this.Bender T_PosePNG.PNG
My Bender isn't finished yet. He still needs to be animated.
I will bring an update when it's finished.

I can also create 3D models and print them out using my 3D Printer. I got myself a cheap DIY Kit this January and it was a lot of fun building it together. And printing is also very cool, even though I have to admit I kinda ran out of practical ideas to use it for :DIMG_0714.JPG
My 3D Printer. It's an Anet A8 from Gearbest. For the Price it's very good, but keep in mind that the build can take some time(and blood) to build.IMG_0710.JPGIMG_0720.JPG
These are most of the things I have printed so far. As you can see most of them don't have a real use, but are just cool to look at. Still I am sure that I will find some good use for it in the future.

Final Words

So yeah i guess that wraps things up about me. My plan is to keep updates about my daily life, what my projects are and in general getting a bit more comfortable writing about myself.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
Since this is my first real post i would gladly take critics and feedback from you to improve my content and myself.

With that said i wish you a very nice day and will end this with a blooper picture i took earlier. I wanted to make an Selfie picture but screwed up and that's why i chose just to use my Profile picture instead. xDIMG_0721.JPG

Thank you for reading

PS:I totally forgot my obligatory Steemit sign shot :O I hope you like it!

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