#introduceyourself: Digital entrepreneur & social media professional

I am a digital entrepreneur and social media professional, but that really is just a small part of who I am and more of what I do with some of my time.


I have been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. I think my first entrepreneurial activity was selling hand-made boomerangs - made from two rulers glued and taped together (which worked surprisingly well albeit rather a dangerous toy now that I think of it). I was around 11 or 12 at the time and business was good until other kids realized they could simply DIY their own.

My next venture was selling sweats and candies at school based on pre-orders and profiting from undercutting the school's 'tuck shop' prices. I was 12 or 13 at the time and understandably, my business model did not go down too well with the school who shut me down before I could make some serious money ('serious' being enough to buy a new Lego set I had been eyeing for the holidays).

In high school I meddled in various business ventures ranging from growing seedlings to a school advertising publication. It was the latter which would set me on my true entrepreneurial path which I am still on today.

PointBlunt Multimedia Productions was my first official company I started. It has its roots in the above mentioned publication (and chance encounters with various people who I would not have thought of ever meeting). The publication was part of a compulsory school project which I pursued even after the project was completed. It was profitable and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. In 2000 I officially launched PointBluntPro and 17 years later it is still running.

I am now currently a branding and marketing consultant and do both freelance and contractual work with private and corporate clients. My experience and experiences have brought me to a point where I can now help and guide others who are venturing along a similar path. As time has moved on I have launched various digital startups over the years which included NoizeCo, NSD Zone, Best Guide Inc, Namib Watches and more recently CryptoQuad.

Apart from 'normal working hours, I like appling myself and offering my skills to organisations that I feel can be significant in the success of others. Thus, I am a founding board member of the Professional Speakers Association of Namibia (PSAN), a former board member of Team Namibia and Pambili Young Designers, and was the founding president of the Namibian Electronic Sports Association (NESA).

I was raised in a Christian home with a family that was very active in church life. I worked as a youth minister for ten years and help start and grow various youth groups and youth programs. My family are also very musical and this enabled me to turn my passion and talents into a 'side career'. I a music teacher for five years and spend many hours in recording both as a session musician for local artists. This has let me appeared on various national youth, arts and church forums.

When not 'working working', I enjoy working on designing board and card games (which I hope to launch via crowdfunding platforms), working on my fiction and non-fiction books which I intend on self-publishing and playing video games (which often can feel like work).

Much of what I do and have done has been as a result of my passion for learning and teaching along with my fascination with people and technology, especially where they meet. This is why I love crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, IoTs etc and believe my future will most probably always be an integrated part of these.

Believe it or not, but I am not all work and no play. I am very happily married to the very first love of my life and am incredibly blessed with two beautiful and healthy children. I currently reside in Windhoek, Namibia.

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