<waving> Hello!


You know that feeling when you're trying to find the best way to start a post and then you think about going meta and describing how you're thinking about the best way to...


Hi everyone, I'm new here so I wanted to introduce myself.

I craft software both as a passion and a means of living, I've been doing it most of my life.
I make music, mostly as a passion so far, but it has also evolved with me for most of my life.
I enjoy film photography. I find manually developing film a very intimate and cathartic experience.

My plan is to touch on all three of these topics in the future, maybe even overlapping sometimes. I'm really bad at putting myself out there and I wanna work on that more. Also the community looks welcoming.


Tech: ruby, javascript, react, redux, gcloud, ai, dataflow, tensorflow, crypto
Music: production, ableton, synths, drum machines, modulars synths, minimal, techno, alternative
Photography: film,nikon fm2, developing techniques

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