Hi Steemians! I'm here because of a big blockchain interest

So why not try to introduce myself!

My name is Sofi, and I'm learning and blogging about blockchain. Thanks to @ivanontech I'm here who introduced me to Steemit. Thank's Ivan.

What else? Well I'm mostly experienced in graphic design, webdesign but are now adding in blockchain into my portfolio since I think it's the future. So yeah, I really would like to work with it somehow.

And the blog! Which I started last year. My way of learning is to write things down, and if someone else can get value from it too then it's a bonus. @kryptobloggen and you shall find it on http://www.kryptobloggen.se/ if you want to take a look. Sorry for it to be in swedish only though, but anyway - I want to make it mainstream to the swedish !

steemitprofile.jpgWell as an intro I hope you got a picture of me, why I'm here and more.
Talking about pictures - here it is - I'm for real :)

Hope to get a lot of great value from here and hope others will enjoy my posts.

Have a great day!

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