My Life's Story - Be Strong Be Humble - Difficulties are part of Life - Love Overcomes Everything!


Thank you so much friends for accepting me on this platform and for giving me a warm welcome.

Its because of all the love shown i have decided to share my life's story with you all.Hope you all like it.


Well lets just say childhood was not that fun.I am so glad my childhood is over and i never have to go back to it.
The moment i started becoming aware of life i knew one thing which was a poison - and that poison was ALCOHOL.
For some crazy reason my dad used to love it.
Well in some families that might not be a problem but i guess my family was different.
There was never a day when my parents would not fight over it.I know this is a common problem now and my heart feels for their children because i know what they have to go through everyday.
Thinking about my childhood and there would always be a tear in my eye.
But the best part was waking up in the morning and things used to go back to normal and my dad was the most caring and loving person in the world to me.
I used to feel that this guy is completely different from last night .But i knew this would change by night.
I guess my mom had got used to it but i was just coming to terms with life.
Speaking of which my mom...the sweetest person i know...went through a lot in life...
I still remember a night when my parents had finished fighting and i was afraid to sleep alone.
I wanted my mom to sleep with me but my dad wanted her to sleep in his room.
My mom actually cut some part of her hair and gave it to me.She told me hold this on your hand and sleep.
That day while i was sleeping on the bed it was the touch of the hair which gave me comfort and it felt the world to me.I dont know what i would have done without you mom...Love you so much...Thank you for being there for me during those worst i wish i could just hug you mom while writing this...i think of you...i really really miss you so much right now....
Well i will not carry on with my childhood because there are a lot of situations and i dont want to get emotional right now....


Lets just say things can only get from bad to worse...
I had my family problems and now there was a new problem in my life....RELATIONSHIPS

Every time i dated a guy for some reason i used to see my dad in him.
May be i had gone crazy...i still dont know the reason...
Everytime some one got angry at me there was no way i was going back to him again.
May be i was too afraid to live a life like my mom.May be i was afraid to get married to some one...
Then came someone who completed changed everything...It was like he was made for me...
He knew all my problems and somehow he adjusted to me.
This was a turning point in my life because he actually showed me that not all men are the same and that there are people on whom you can completely trust.
He bought me out of my crazy life and showed me a life which i always wanted to see.
But all good things come to an end and so one day we had to seperate...
May be he was bored of me or may be he was tired of adjusting...but i did not want to be a burden on him so i let him go...but he did taught me the most valuable thing in life....that love is a cure...and he cured me and went away....but if any day you read this do know that i dont have any hard feelings towards you...
Here are some pics of my you people recognize me?


After numerous problems in life and after numerous untold stories here i am.
Here comes another important person in my life.
This is none another than my best friend who showed me the importance of eating healthy and exercising.
I cant stress the importance of eating healthy and keeping yourself fit..No problems in your life will survive...
Whenever i am stressed i hit it straight to the gym...its a stress buster for me now....
Here she is....the most craziest person i go to girl...she loves black colour and i think it suits her..haha...


I owe this bad habbit to her haha....
Now i am addicted to selfies all the time...


If your still reading this i am so very sorry...I did not expect this to be such a huge post...
I just kept on sharing and i know i should have kept this shorter.
There is so much more to share of me but i dont want to make this post too long.May be some other day i might share more.
Do let me how you felt of my post and do leave a comment below sharing something valuable from your life story so that i can get to know everyone of my new family too.
Thank you so much for giving me your time and for reading.This really felt good to share.
I hope you all have a great day and keep smiling and spread the love.

With Love,

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