Look Out SteemIt - Ready or not...


..here I come!

My name is Dara Fogel

I am new to SteemIt and to Cryptocurrency, but am eager to learn to use both to help create a better world! Cryptocurrency isn't just for GenX & Millenials.

I am using this template as it was suggested that I do so, but I don't promise to fit the mould...

My Details

Older than dirt, but young at heart
American (couldn't help it - I was born that way)
Married (NOT born that way, but sometimes feels like it…)
Author, educator, public speaker, philosopher
Steampunk - Having studied Plato, I cannot claim any 
     particular political affiliation, as they all have good points 
     and they all have limits and errors
I find wisdom in all religions and traditions
I have written 5 books (4 fiction, 1 non-fiction) & blog whenever I get around to it

Dara profile 3-1-13.jpg

Social Following

Website/blog:  www.provinceofthemind.com
Twitter - seriously?  I'm too old for twitter.  I'm sorry - I have trouble with twitting...
Facebook - You don't really care about how many friends I have on Fb, do you? 

Some Of My Favorite Things - in no particular order

Science Fiction, Steampunk, Ancient Philosophy (Socrates is my BFF), 
     History (don't be doomed to repeat it!), Cosplay.
Sports: No thank you.
TV/YouTube Shows: Star Trek (all versions except the new movies), Stargate SG-1, Doctor Who,
    The Pyramid Code (netflix), Suspicious Observers (YouTube), the Keiser Report (YouTube)
Stand-up Comedians: George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard

Favorite Books

The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, by P.D. Ouspensky
Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment, by Jed McKenna
The Master Game, by Robert S. DeRopp
Food of the Gods, by Terence McKenna
Dune (and the Dune Trilogy), by Frank Herbert
The Republic, by Plato
The Bhavagad Gita
The Tao, by Lao Tsu
Fingerprints of the Gods, by Graham Hancock
The Hero With a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
Busting Loose From the Money Game, by Robert Scheinfeld

Favorite Shorts

Nobody is smarter than you are - Terence McKenna (Youtube)
Malfunction - Steam Powered Giraffe (YouTube)
Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere - The Onion (YouTube)
The Reason Education Sucks - George Carlin (YouTube)
Society Trap - Joe Rogan (YouTube)
Daniel Quinn on What We Really Want - Daniel Quinn (YouTube)
Free Your Mind - Terence McKenna (YouTube)
You're It - Alan Watts (YouTube)
Brass Goggles - Steam Powered Giraffe (YouTube)
7 Propoganda Techniques Used on You Every Day - Stuff They Don't Want You To Know (YouTube)
The War on Consciousness: Banned Ted Talk - Graham Hancock (YouTube)
The Science Delusion: Banned Ted Talk - Rupert Sheldrake (YouTube)
Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush (YouTube)
Something is Affecting the Whole Solar System - Nemesis Maturity (YouTube)
What is Reality? - New Scientist (YouTube)
Nature Loves Courage - Terence McKenna (YouTube)
Don't Panic - Darwin Prophet (YouTube)

Favorite Movies

Dune (all versions)
What the Bleep Do We Know?
Magical Egypt (dvd series)
Harold & Maude
The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao
Being There
Defending Your Life
All Star Trek movies before the reboot
All Star Wars movies
Mary Poppins (a very subversive film disguised as a kiddie movie)

Favorite Album

Oscar Wilde's Serenade - Darwin Prophet - Wilde's poetry set to lovely music
MK III - Steam Powered Giraffe 
Poem - Delirium
A New World Record - Electric Light Orchestra
Up - Peter Gabriel
Lyricus: The Grand Portal - Wingmakers
Great Promenade of Fools and Ghosts - Maquis of Vaudeville
Lennon Legend - John Lennon

More About Me

I have been blessed to have lived a very interesting and fun life. Amongst other things, I have worked as a Shakespearean actor, as a costume designer, drawing cartoon maps, managed a world-known avante garde theater company, started a successful renaissance fair, a calligrapher, selling metaphysical books & stuff, event planning and, for the past 8 years, teaching philosophy and humanities.
As you may have gathered, I love steampunk, due to its eclectic, DIY, leave no trace, Victoriana cosplay, creative aesthetic, as well as its emphasis on self-sufficiency within a community and disregard for established norms. As such, I thought it behooved me to investigate and get involved with SteemIt, as I do believe that the world is changing (hopefully for the better), and that cryptocurrency is the way of the future. In these times of shifting paradigms, we either learn to adapt or get left on the dungheap of history...

Steem on! How you feel can make it real!

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