I'm Devon Stack of Black Pilled

Hello Steemit!

You have probably seen my work, although you may not know it. I've done work for Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and my work has been featured by Paul Joseph Watson and Infowars. If you remember seeing a dancing Pepe in the 2016 election or if you frequented r/The_Donald around the same time, you have most likely the work I did under the handle "EvilHillary".

I'm now working on my own, mostly on Youtube (youtube.com/c/blackpilled) but as the censorship grows I have been branching out to other platforms and researching decentralized solutions like Steemit, DTube, and BitChute.

I believe in truth over ideology but my ideology can be most accurately described as anti-left. In the context of today's politics that really means anti-totalitarian. I am entirely self funded and will work to defend the good in Western Civilization while acknowledging and fighting the evil that also exists in our culture. I hope you will join me in this fight. I look forward to interacting with people on this platform!

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