From a Submarine to Steemit

Cheers Steemit!

New member here, and new to the Crypto-world overall. I first found this site courtesy of a youtube channel Suppoman Udemy (wouldn't feel right not to credit), & I haven't been able to stop reading and learning about all of the new technology and platforms. Steemit has really impressed me, and I hope I can contribute!


Former submariner that spent way too much time without sunlight or internet while underwater. After a while you don't even miss it, you just look forward to pizza and movie night. I can't complain too much though, I did get to travel the world and spike my adrenaline meter a few times.


I am currently pursuing my bachelors in Electrical Engineering in Dallas, but I still find time to travel on occasion. Since I have been back I have:

hiked the Grand Canyon


Been rained on in Ireland:


And witnessed a sunset over the Bay

I hope to continue learning, and to give back whatever 2 cents I can.



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