Introducing: Bjorneo, Orangutans & Artificial Intelligence

Filmmaker, photographer & writer in Indonesia since 2009

@bjorneo | FB: Bjorneo Bear |


My name is Björn Vaughn and I live in Central Kalimantan on the Indonesian side of Borneo. My alias @bjorneo combines my birth name with the name of the island I call home. How I ended up in this unique part of the world is a unique story.

Together with my brother Pierce and a team of Indonesian filmmakers I run a film company called Borneo Productions International (BPI). We have been making films in Indonesia since 2009. Many of our films are environmentally oriented.

Over the years, I have explored the pristine rainforest in the heart of Borneo and seen enough environmental devastation to last a life time. These uplifting and depressing experiences have affected me profoundly.

Today, part of my work is to communicate complex environmental themes through film, photography and writing. My guiding philosophy is to work with people, rather than against.

Last year, I spent more time with orangutans than with my human friends. I fly drones up jungle rivers, grow orchids in my jungle lounge, play Kalimba, play with my 5-year-old son, and occasionally check in on what's happening in the world of decentralized ledgers, such as blockchain.

MIT professor Max Tegmark's book Life 3.0 - Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence is the book I recommend reading these days. As some are calling the emergence of AI both inevitable and the most important conversation of our time - some placing it above Climate Change -, I want to participate in this conversation and explore if and how AI can help us take better care of our natural world.

Through joining this platform I am giving you a glimpse into my work and life in Borneo. If you have similar interests or want to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

Below I've attached a few photographs, as well as my company showreel and a link to our website. There's a lot more where this came from. Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

Within walking distance of my house: the winding rivers of Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo

Among orphaned orangutans and their babysitters. A large part of my work focuses on the plight of the critically endangered great ape of Asia. BOS Foundation, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2017

Groundfire. My photo of a burning peat forest taken during the 2015 haze disaster in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: "The biggest environmental crime of the 21st century" - The Jakarta Globe, 23 October, 2015

Holding hands with Jerry, a large male orangutan at the rehabilitation center for orphaned orangutans under BOS Foundation. How can we create a better future for humans, orangutans and all life on Earth?

Documentary showreel by Borneo Productions International (BPI). Our clients include the BBC, ChannelNews Asia (CNA), Natural History New Zealand (NHNZ), Greenpeace, Care International, The United Nations, Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation and many others. More at
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