Greetings Steemit Peers!

To the Steemit Community,

I'm grateful to be part of the evolving digital world and the movement towards a decentralized virtual environment. It's exciting to be an early member of a new social platform paving a new path that is focused on rewarding its members for its contributions rather than following previous paths. I am passionate about the vision Steemit is striving for, and I sincerely hope it can stay authentic to itself and be agile in the adaptations to our human constructs as we encounter the effects of time.

As I get nearer to having spent three decades on this mysterious planet, it's fascinating to reflect upon my experiences thus far and ponder what explorations are yet to come through my interests and ideas. I identify myself as an open-minded intellectual free spirit. I just want to infinitely explore and not be restricted by finite boundaries. My career so far has consisted of software development, logistics, health care, and investing. I look forward to creatively collaborating with my fellow peers here, and expanding my knowledge and perception throughout our communications.

Some of my main interests and passions include:
-Music (Playing, composing, jazz, blues, and classic rock are my favorites)
-Sacred Geometry (Big fan of pattern recognition and formulas)
-Alternate dimensions/realities
-Ping pong and hockey
-Writing (Whatever I'm feeling presently, poetry)
-Deep thought and trying to be multi-perceptional
-Reading (Sci-Fi, fantasy, theories)
-Exploration (Space, this planet, extraterrestrial life, just life dude!)
-Striving for maximum efficiency through functionality and mechanics

Again, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a member of this community, and I'm curious and looking forward to contributing to the progression of Steemit.

Catch ya on the flip side,


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