Hello there!

I'll start out admitting that I don't know what to write. I saw the introduceyourself section so I should probably start right there. However, writing something actually consistent is hard; my thoughts are jumbled on everything when it comes time to commit to something.

I live in Norway now and have been living here for awhile since moving from New York where I grew up. I work as a software engineer here. Many people ask why I moved; I'll give my standard answer here: work. :P I can speak broken Norwegian, something I managed to teach myself, slowly, over a very long time. Everyone I work with though just jumps to English, so my conversational history in Norwegian is limited to talking to cashiers: "Pose?" "Ja." "Kvittering?" "Nei." "Ha det." In these environments, it is hard to be deliberate while not looking lost when someone mumbles something. :) Regardless to this, I like reading in it, at least when I have a chance.

I actually joined Steemit through my interest in Bitcoin. I heard Bitcoin folk talk about I feel like I have nothing to add to it that has not been repeated before. I am no expert in the technology or the economic effects that might occur if it or another cryptocurrency (preferably with similar consensus rules to Bitcoin) gets adopted in the world as a significant currency. However, the thought is quite fascinating how a world economy would look like if by the rare chance we work with a digital currency and get off fractional reserve banking. In the meantime, this is quite an interesting technology and investment.

I'll sign off now. But before I go, some of these buildings in Oslo still exist. This is from 1867:

From Wikipedia. (upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Homannsbyen.jpg)

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