Do You Love Craft Beer As Much As I Do? Then You Should Read This..

Myself in a nutshell:

I love to make people laugh, although I have no good jokes. I strongly believe a smile goes a long way and laughter even further. I carry this outlook of optimism even though there is a tremendous amount of darkness in this world. No one is able to put as much pressure on myself as I do, so as a result I would describe myself as a workaholic. I need adventure, excitement, and boundaries to get pushed in order to thrive. If I don’t feel challenged, I get bored. I am a workaholic hippie that loves to love, swim in the ocean, drink craft beer, and do yoga, hoping to make a loving impact on this world.

Why I am here…

To be honest, I was a bit skeptical when I first came across Steemit. Then I got to thinking, “what do I have to be skeptical about?”. I am here because I want to share my journey. I want others to be entertained, moved, or maybe even inspire others to follow their dreams too. I am an extremely passionate person, and immerse myself in all that I do. Recently, I have been doing a lot of self reflection lately as what people do time and time again. The reason for the introspection is because I have been on a path of discovery, trying to find my true calling, my passion, my fire. I thought a good start to all this contemplation is to begin blogging about what I love. One of the biggest passions I have in this world is CRAFT BEER. Not only because it tastes delicious, but because I love all that it represents.

Craft beer is a beautiful movement here to disrupt the industry. It is an amazing craft that is made with love, and immense amounts of planning, creativity, and bravery. The craft beer world is David vs. Goliath in its modern world form. Microbreweries, and even nano-breweries, step up to the plate and willingly face the big guys. I love seeing the little guys make a name for themselves because all odds are stacked against them.

My love for the craft started in my hometown of San Diego. I now realize how extremely fortunate I was to grow up in such an amazing place. I was surrounded by beaches, perfect weather, culture, and well, a rad craft beer scene that has only continued to affirm its dominance in the market. I schmoozed my way into a job that I was far too young to have because I have always had the mentality that if you want something enough you will make it happen. I started pouring beer at 16. Yes, I know what you are probably thinking, but it is what is. If this angers you then I suggest you stop reading now.

I laugh when I reflect back at this time because my first true love was a pint of overly bitter, hops in your face, Stone IPA. Yes, I am that guy. The SoCal gal who fell in love with a west-coast style IPA at first sight. I wanted to chew my hops. I wanted the aroma to hit my face before my nose even touched the glass. I was jaw-dropping distracted by the way the glass appeared, it looked like liquid gold as you hold it up to the light just right. That job was when I knew craft beer was what lit the fire in my eyes. I have continued to immerse myself in the industry, one of many high points was being able to organize a 3-day beer festival, which was an amazing experience in itself.

Wrapping up the Chitter Chatter...

Besides sharing my love and knowledge of the craft through writing, I will also be doing a live video series called Bier Vibes. These videos will consist of me tasting and talking about craft beer (is this real life?!). I welcome and encourage people to drop comments or questions while I am streaming these videos, and if you are late to the party I will try to address those in some way as well. I hope this concept excites you as much as it excites me, and you will follow me on this journey one glass at a time. If this does not excite you, then I am sorry that you never learned what real fun truly is, because these videos will be informative, raw (because I have little to no filter), humorous, and well humorous. Why you ask? Because I am this awkwardly gawky woman who gets camera shy and is going to be talking to people on the internet live about beer...what could possibly go wrong?Keep tabs on my blog so you can attend my first attempt at a live video series. Be there or be triangle.

If you are a beer drinker or work in the industry, drop your twitter handle in the comments!

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