Hi hello Steemit friends .... !!! I'm new here, I'm starting on this platform thanks to a colleague, @lissalas, who already has a few months sharing with you .. I always saw her in front of her computer and I was curious what she was doing, she told me about a platform that combines the essence of a global social network and cryptocurrencies and then I decided to venture ....


I AM VENEZUELAN, My name is Benileth Alexandra González Espinoza, for my friends Benny, I am 28 years old, Licensed in Public Accounting, elder sister, Daniel's mom, life partner of Tomás Arriaga.

I was born one day Monday, January 29, 1990, in a little village in the Andean páramos, specifically in Santo Domingo, Municipality of Cardinal Quintero, Mérida State.


My mom Yaqueline Espinoza, a woman thrown forward as we say Venezuelans, warrior, hardworking, tireless fighter, loving and dedicated to her family ... My father Rosalino Quintero, who although is not my biological father, my heart loves him as if he really were , is a humble and hardworking man, has always given everything for his family and his friends, a human being with a huge, compassionate, affectionate, and fighter heart. I could not be more proud of them both, and I can not stop thanking God for putting him in my mom's way.
I lived in my grandparents' house until I was four years old when my maternal grandmother passed away and my mother moved to her own house, my daddy (so I say to my grandfather) is the pillar of my life, I am the oldest of four brothers, they they are Xioly, Oswaldo and Juan José, and although we sometimes argue we are always the four together to support us in everything,


For being the first time I was very spoiled, as a child I was a catira, mature hair, always curious, I was curious, I climbed in the trees to grab peaches, or to hide from a scolding after a mischief, I always remember one, a happy childhood, full of laughter and games, my mom always cared and took care of all her children good years, at age 8 she was already in the band showing the town next to my sister who at that time had 6, then start dancing with the dance group "Orgullo Andino" until he was 16 years old, he went to the national dance championship, staying in the first place.
I studied first in the fifth year at the Technical School Juan Rodríguez Suárez, in Santo Domingo, due to health problems I had to move to the city of Mérida in 2006 to finish the last year of classes. So the term of studying in the Technical School Commercial Simón Rodríguez, where he obtained the title of Medium Technician in Commerce and Administrative Services mention Computer.
Thanks to the notes that I kept at the Liceo, he admitted me from time to time at the University of Los Andes -ULA, where I graduated as a Public Accountant at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.


The years of the university, if you doubt, were the best in my life, there I met excellent teachers that today I consider my friends, great people who accompanied me throughout this journey. I was a student leader, school counselor, college preparer, the politics of the university took me to meet my current partner and today the father of my son, Tomás Arriaga, that's what he's called and he's really a wonderful person ...


Definitely the best experience in the world has been to be a mother, the pregnancy of my pregnancy, every day throughout the nine months, and the day of my life, the day of death, Daniel Alberto Arriaga. González



Being a mom has been an experience, revitalizing, taught me to love without limits, love beyond myself, my days are full of joys, new challenges, full of learning ... as my baby grows and learns new things I do it in the same way, portrait every possible moment with my son
Being a mother, a wife, and a professional at the same time is a challenge when you have a two and a half year old baby because your baby demands time by your side 24 hours a day. Currently I work as a Financial Advisor in Cooperativa Progente. RL, I am a public accountant with free practice. A lover of cooking, photography and nature.



This is a summary of my life, I hope to share all my experiences, as a professional and as a first-time mother with you, and in the same way to enrich my knowledge with the content published on this platform ... I hope you like it. =)

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