Univesity Majors - Introduction ft. Conan O'Brien 1st Post!

Hello Steemit!

My name is Ben and I am beyond excited to bring my new page University Majors into the world of Steemit!
University Majors is a page which looks at what the world's most influential people were studying and doing during their college years and in the their early days before they were famous.

I first had the idea for the page last year when I was in my final year of undergrad. With graduation right around the corner I endured many sleepless nights figuring out what I wanted to do with my life after I graduated. To help me solve that problem I decided to research what people who I admire, such as Nelson Mandela or Stephen Hawking were doing when they were in their college years and how they got started on their road to success.

One thing I discovered very quickly was that what people studied in university often time had absolutely zero resemblance to the career which a given individual pursued later in life. I committed to spend many hours and weeks building a website and an Instagram page for both myself and for others to learn about what he world's most influential people were doing in their early years.
On instagram the page became very successful growing to tens of thousands of followers with me posting quotes of a person and then their degree.

I hope to capitalize on the Steemit platform to take what I started on Insta one step further. In addition to just posting a quote and picture I hope to really dive deep into what a person was doing during their college years. I plan on discussing what a successful person was going during their college years, what their aspirations were and what they participated in, and hopefully we can see how an influencer's college years affected them later on in their career.

In addition to this brief intro about the page, I will leave with our first influencer on the page! Conan O'Brien!


After graduating as a his high school's class valedictorian, Conan studied at Harvard University where his father was also a professor of medicine there. At Harvard Conan majored in American history and graduated as a magna cum laude. At Harvard, Conan was already beginning to get into the world of entertainment and comedy as he was a writer for the Harvard Lampoon humour magazine and was even a drummer in a band. During his senior year, Conan's thesis was entitled "Literary Progeria in the Works of Flannery O'Connor and William Faulkner". His thesis was about how southern America was prematurely old because it was a part of a young undefeated nation despite how the South had already known defeat. Conan explored how this idea was transferred to children in the south who had become pre-maturely old because they were living in such an environment. After he graduated Conan moved to California where he made use of his writing skills, working as a writer in the entertainment industry there.

I hope you enjoy the content! Suggestions/Feedback is more than welcome!

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