Introducing Me

Hi, everyone! I’m just starting out here, but it was recommended to me by someone that I do an “introduce yourself” kind of post, so here we are!

My name is Rebekah, I’m 22 with a high school diploma and no college education, I know just enough German to tell you my name, my dog’s name, my age, and ask for your bathroom. I grew up on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin in a very Christian and very conservative family, and moved to Tennessee right out of high school with my dad and my step-mom, spending 4 years in/around Nashville after that.

As much as I enjoyed it sometimes, I found my way back up to the dairy state this spring, it was inevitable! 3 weeks later, my Nashville Beau joined me up north, after only 2 months of dating. A month later we got our double pink lines. I know, fast! But we were, and are, exhilarated.

Now that I’m back, I’m working as an Assistant Front Office Manager at a large Marriott hotel near our apartment. The company hired me right at the end of September, KNOWING that I was 5 months pregnant at the time! In fact, I interviewed to do their Night Audit, but ended up being offered a management position instead after rejecting the Night Audit position for the pay being too low. I joke a lot that they must have been desperate to give a pregnant woman a salaried management position that quickly, and I wasn’t wrong, but it still felt pretty great to get the offer!
My significant other works for a small security company in town, one that doesn’t give him health insurance or any kind of benefits, and of course has wildly inconsistent scheduling. I’m talking 20, 30, or even 40 hours in 2/3 days, and then off for 4/5 days at a time, meanwhile the company complaining that they don’t have enough manpower to cover all of their locations. He’s been looking for a new place to work, and at the same time is scheduled to start school in November to get his degree in HR. I am indescribably proud of him.

We’re set to have our first child, Jasper Everett, in January! He’s due only 5 days after my birthday, but seems eager to get out of my belly already. We have a studio apartment right now and will be moving into a 2 bedroom in late March when our lease ends, but for those 2 months we’ll be cramming ourselves, our infant, our dog and our cat into 485 square feet of squashed discomfort.

Our dog is a huge part of our life! Kyrus is a Scott’s American Bulldog mixed with who knows what (probably some boxer), and is 55lbs of expressive love. I adopted him way back in the spring of 2016, and he’s roughly 5 years old now. That dog has seen me through depression and mania, thick and thin, several boyfriends, and a whole lot of drinking, but loves me more than anyone else on Earth, and I could say the same about him. He’s sort of our first born, we treat him better than we treat most people, and we dote on him a ton. We tell him all the time about how he’s going to be a great big brother. I know he’s going to adore my child, since he adores children in general, and I can barely wait for him to meet Jasper. Eventually when his kicks get stronger, I’m positive he’ll be hovering around me 24/7… As if he isn’t already!

Krennic, our ragdoll cat, is one that I inherited from a past roommate. When I first moved in with him, he surprised me with a kitten that was barely old enough to waddle, let alone run away from my dog! He worked at Banfield pet hospital in the local Petsmart, and a woman came in one night right before closing time a few days before I moved in with a kitten she found outside her house but wasn’t able to keep because of her dogs. He ended up promising to take the kitten home for the weekend until he could take it to a shelter, and long story short, we kept him and have had him for about 2 years now. My roommate wasn’t able to take him when we parted ways, but having grown up with Kyrus and I, Krennic was part of the family, and always will be. He’s cuddly, behaves a bit like a dog, and while he’s usually aloof, LOVES to bother anyone who’s on the toilet and hangs out in our bathtub whenever he can.

My family… Well, that’s a whole other blog entry.

I do have a lot of history with depression, anxiety, sexual abuse/misfortune, and a whole slew of self esteem problems. I think that those would best be entertained in their own individual posts honestly, so I’ll leave those for a later date. I’ll try to tag them with trigger warnings as well so that they’re easy to avoid if needed.

So, I guess that’s it! Feel free to ask questions and I’ll try to address them as time goes on in other posts. I’m an open book, and I’m hoping that writing here will help me relieve some stress and maybe help others somehow as well, so I’m going to be as real as possible.Snapchat-2019770829.jpg

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