Here To Learn - Willing and Able to Change - Vive la Revolution!

Why hello there, You!

... and you, and you, and you!

I am so pleased that you're here. I hope we can do and share some beautiful things together.

From what I can tell, this platform is a conduit for the crypto revolution, in whatever form that may take.

If I am mistaken, or if you have a more clear and concise way to explain to me what Steemit truly is, feel free to drop me some text. I'd love to get a better perspective of what it is that I am here for, and how I can help forge forward with the revolution!

Being a bit of an outsider-oddball my whole life has afforded me the luxury of finding the things that are on the fringes of mainstream society. Since I was a child, I've had an innate understanding of the body and what keeps us humans balanced and healthy. I became a registered massage therapist at the age of 21, and it was in that class, where I was the youngest, that I was told by classmates that I had the intuitive healing powers of a shaman.

Now, this was not something I took too seriously. In fact, I massaged professionally for only 2 months before I got a crippling tendonitis in my elbow, so I gave up rubbing people to go find some relief in Australia.

While I was in that amazing country, so far from anything or anyone I knew, I started to step away from the norms in small ways like learning to eat only when I'm hungry instead of at 3 specified times per day, and to become aware of the many known toxic substances that are hiding in the products on the shelves.

Learning more about how we are being brain-washed into consuming items and substances that are knowingly not natural and possibly harmful filled me with an enlivening rage that began my journey of health in the fringes.

On the road to understanding my own health, I began to realize what my peers had meant when they said I had Shamanic-like qualities: There's an innate need for me to find balance using only what is inside of me. Then to share what I learn about myself with others who are on a similar journey.

This revolution of health is happening inside of me every day, and my mission is to find and maintain my own balance without having to depend on doctors and their band-aids, or government and their ridiculousness.

I want to take responsibility for me, and to trust and be inspired by how you take responsibility for you.

I want to be a part of this kind of revolution on the fringes in all of its forms.

The overlap of all of our revolutions is where the magic happens.

That is why I am here; to find out how others are creating their own revolutions.

To learn. To share. To be inspired.

I will be sharing about how I have learned to be well everyday, in all kinds of small ways. I've struggled with chronic mental and physical health issues, and still am in fact. But I've found ways to stay balanced and get well without relying on 'the system,' and that for me is the revolution!

Be well.
Speak soon,

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