My name is Paloma and I'm trying to become more myself

Hi, stemians!

Last week I drank a half of a bottle of wine, sadly that was all that I had. With wine on my system, I felt the strength to open an account on Steemit and share some of my thoughts on life here with you. So let me introduce myself. My name is Paloma, I'm 25 years old. I'm a Taurus and I don't know anything else about my zodiac sign. If you know a good source where I can learn please tell me, I'm really interested.

I'm proudly Mexican. I grew up in Juarez, a city next to Texas. So I have some mixed cultured things, like putting ketchup on my tamales or putting "salsa verde" with my hamburger. Talking about food... I am vegan and a total foodie. I will love to share recipes, information, and cute animal pictures.

The past year was crazy, my life changed a lot. You see, I had a dream... to live happily with the love of my life. That meant to leave my job, moved countries, and the worst... don't have spicy chips 24/7. Ok no, the worst is not to have my family and my cute baby dog right next to me, second place are those spicy chips. So we planned everything, and we did it! I moved to Chile, we got married, and I buy every spicy-vegan food I can find in the supermarket (I told you I am a Mexican foodie).

(Our diy wedding cake, those are Batman and Catwoman Lego's toppers)

All those changes have affected my anxiety a lot. I'm learning to grow from within, love every bit of my body, and becoming more myself. This is why I wanted to create a Steemit account. To share not just my mid-night wine thoughts, but some important topics for me. Like talk about self-love, give anti-anxiety tips, share delicious vegan recipes, and make vlogs.

Hope you are interested in this journey of Becoming Paloma. I will love to get to know you and share our growing life towards becoming our true selfs.

Love, Paloma

(this is Koko, my baby)

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