Introducing myself. Martijn (WW2 Guide since last year)

Hello everyone,
Totally new at this. So let me just start simple and give me some tips!

My name is Martijn, 34 years old, I live in the Netherlands.
I am a father, IT consultant and I love gaming, music, IT, WW2 and sports.bft martijn bus.jpg

And I mainly joined Steemit so I can share my "WW2 Europe" knowledge and, get people excited about the history of The Netherlands and Europe in world war 2.
My motto is "Keep the memories alive" and I do this with a friend.
We tell the stories on the battlefield in Europe. Not only experienced adults are interested but we also tell the story to younger people, like schools.
So we have a foundation and a website where we plan tours around Europe. Thats the main story ;)

If you follow me you will read a lott about my and my hobby's and my interest in WW2. So hopefully you enjoy and learn a bit.

I want to show you 1 more picture about my first days as a guide, guiding 160 students of a school in Zutphen
bft group zutphen.jpg

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