Hey there Steem noobs stop kissing ass with spam comments!

I do think this is a wonderful social platform and it's been very fun so far. But some people need to stop commenting spam on every. single. post.


I know you want to get your views and you want to get some money from some upvotes. BUT, that doesn't mean you need to comment on everything. Little comments that don't provide insight, opinion or relevance need to stop.

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Instead, if you're trying to get people to like you and get follows you should post comments that add some value to the conversation. This is easy and only takes a few minutes of reading!

You will get far more valuable followers if you leave thoughtful comments that prove you even read the post you're commenting on.

It's impossible fake your way to becoming a whale.

Now tell me. What're your thoughts on this trend? Any ideas to improve it?

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