Me and my writing

Hello all,
I'm somewhat new to this community even though i've been passively following steemit for close to a year.
I like the thought of getting paid for sharing my written work because i don't write that often but i have a lot of stories in my head who are looking for a way to get out..
Please follow me and upvote my stories (i know some of them sound mushy but please bear with me) ...
I'll leave one short flick from an already posted piece for your assessment..please be honest..your suggestions are very welcome;
Have you ever been in a situation where you made an inquiry from loved one but you were lied to and to make matters even worse the person doing the lying knows you know you are being lied to and is not concerned in the least about how that makes you feel?

A very close friend of mine was unfortunate enough to be in such a situation recently. His spouse had complained about not having enough money to run the affairs of the home. After an earful of nagging he finally gave in and released the required amount for the house and travelled out of the state on official duty.

His darling wife promptly pocketed the money and proceeded on a tour of the state jaunting from one city to another calling on friends without so much as a care in the world as to the state of domestic affairs.

When my unfortunate friend got back his darling wife spun some yarn about how she was robbed on her way to the market and did not think it was important enough for her to inform her husband. she could not explain why the house looked exactly the way it was the day he left after all his entreaties to get it cleaned up to no avail. All she could say was “I was busy”.

My friend is a very gentle individual so where most men would have dished out necessary justice this young man came to complain to me.

This habit our female friends have of selling us lame lies all because they believe we love them too much to believe anything to the contrary is difficult to understand. True there are some men who would believe anything their partners tell them hook line and sinker but I sincerely believe they are in the minority.

I find it downright insulting for my girlfriend to tell me she’s experiencing that time of the month barely two weeks after the previous episode all in a bid to avoid sex. Why can’t they just say they are not keen on it?

I know of certain young ladies whom as soon as they are broke find the first unsuspecting boyfriend, sleep with him and claim they’ve caught some unknown infection which always costs a fortune to treat. For the truly ambitious daughters of Eve it would not be seen as playing against the rules to con a man into bed so as to use the age old “Pregnancy Trap” to squeeze him for a six digit figure financial settlement.

In all honesty this habit is a two way issue because we would not be lied to if we refuse to accept the lame excuses when offered but then you have to consider the larger picture.

Some men don’t mind being lied to so long as they are getting what they want as regularly as the lies flow forth. Then there are those men who are lied to and for some inexplicable reason choose to believe the lie in the hope that the author of the tall tale had a really good reason for the act. Left to me the latter category should be publicly flogged for such naiveté.

It always starts with something as small as “ I didn’t know” then moves on to “ I was busy” and for the truly gifted ones, its long, winded, salted with all sorts of intricate twists and turns and, lets not forget, an escape route in case the man has done some serious investigation into your defence.

Truth be told if you are in a relationship then at one point in time or the other your woman has lied to you. It may have been just once (though I sincerely doubt this) or it may have been a little matter which did not warrant your attention until you stumbled on it.
If I had to proffer an opinion on this habit I would say the frequency with which your partner lies is a pointer to the how seriously she is involved in the relationship.

I sincerely believe there is such a thing as a necessary lie but it should only be used when you weigh all your options and confirm that the said untruth would benefit the greater good because not all men can handle the truth.

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