Hello Steemit and Happy Lunar New Year! 大家好 多多指教

Happy Lunar New Year!!!

Hello, I am Ash, not Ashley, just Ash only. I am 22 years old, a student studying BBA, I will graduate after few months.

I have started trading cryptocurrency almost a year, so you know people always join telegram group to discuss it, that’s why people introduce steemit to me. Actually i already knew Steemit at September last year, i never write a blog before, so i put it into my To-Do List until now, the first day of Chinese New Year of 2018. Yes, I just recalled in Lunar New Year's Eve dinner, haha!


我本身有玩開cryptocurrency,咁玩開就自然加入啲telegram group同其他人討論下架啦,於是我就咁接觸到steemit。 其實講緊已經係上年9月頭既事,只不過寫blog呢樣野我仲未試過,一拖拖拖而而家,拖成半年,到啱啱食團年飯先諗起,大年初一先開post, 真係羞家, 哈哈!


我本来有接触cryptocurrency,很自然会加入一些telegram group和其他人讨论,于是我就接触到steemit。其实那已经是去年9月头的事情,只不过发帖我从未试过,一拖拖到剛剛吃團年飯才想起,,大年初一才發帖, 哈哈!


I was thinking what to write at that time, If you want to know, Follow me!!! Let me tell you my interests, so you can guess what topic i am going to write.

Music, sport, yes i do like. I have learnt Piano when i was a little girl, i play Guitar by self-learning for a short period.

嗰時我已經諗左喺steemit可以寫d咩topic架啦, 大家想知既可以follow我, 不如我講下我有咩興趣, 等大家估下我之後會寫d咩先!

我音樂運動方面都有接觸, 鋼琴又細學到大, 結他就自學咗一排。

那时候我已经想了在steemit可以写什么, 要是你想知道, 请追踪我喔! 现在让我分享下我的兴趣, 让大家猜猜我以后会写些什么吧!

我在音乐运动方面都有接触, 钢琴从小学到大, 结他自学了一阵子。


I like to go to Gym, cardio and weight training are included. Surfing is one of my interests too, but i think i need a coach to train me.

平時鐘意做gym, 唔係凈係cardio架, weight training 我都有做。滑浪我都識, 但唔好以為我好勁, 其實應該要搵個教練先得。

平时喜欢健身, 带氧重训都有做。滑浪我也会, 不过我应该要找个教练才行。


Also, i like Vaping, Texas Hold'em, Cigar, the latter one is my new interest in this half year. Oh, Scuba Diving ! I went to SaiPan for it two months ago!

另外, 我鐘意食電子煙, 玩德州撲克, 而雪茄係我呢半年接觸既新興趣。仲有仲有, 潛水 ! 前兩個月仲去左塞班島潛水添!

另外, 我喜欢电子烟, 玩德州扑克, 而雪茄是我这半年接触的新兴趣。还有还有, 潜水 ! 前两个月我还去了塞班岛潜水呢!



Finally, wish you luck in the Year of the Dog!
May all your wishes come true!
Please follow me and leave me comment!



WhatsApp Image 2018-02-16 at 00.05.25.jpeg

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