Hola and hello! IntroduceYourself

Hi everyone!

This is my first post and I just going to introduce myself

I am Leonela


I’m from Venezuela and currently live in Chile with my boyfriend and my beautiful amazing and really smart dog Roshi

Just look at it


I believe in God and he is a really important part of my life
I love to cook and of course I love to eat, I like photography too and I’m learning to take pictures of my food so you will see a lot of it here I hope

This is one of my last food photos: Pork and cream cheese Ravioli, I even make a video with the process and posted on my instagram @arteaganela


My first language is Spanish but I think this is a good way to practice my English so I maybe post in English mostly (with a lot of errors obviously 🤣)

My most recent interest are:

  • Survive
  • Learn new cooking techniques
  • Improve my photography skills
  • Teach my dog to behave
  • Don’t worry
  • Be happy

Ok I think that’s all I have for now, that's me

see you soon everybody

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