About me and the reason I'm here -Introduce Yourself

Hello everyone!

My name is Patricia, I'm 19 years old, full time student and barista on the weekends.


I spent two years studying a career that is easier to describe as the "least indicated" for me in terms of personality and personal aspirations. The career was social work and, if you know me or if you continue reading my future blog, you will understand what I'm talking about. It will not take much analysis on your part, let's say that my personality is usually easy to perceive.

I was lucky enough to be able to change my career and now I will start, for the second time, my "first year" in university, now in the modern languages school. I will talk about this later, it has been a tragedy.

As if a university career and a poorly paid job did not consume enough time and energy, I also study ballet , which brings me to the second point of this blog, the reason I'm starting on this platform.


You see, none of my two study choices are particularly "cheap", and if we take into consideration the context of the country (Venezuela), the issue gets a little more complicated.

In a desperate attempt not to give up my passion for my university obligations, in the last few months I have found quite peculiar contingency plans to solve my main problem, the economic one. The fact that you're reading these lines means that, indeed, none of my fabulous plans worked.


Look at it this way: taking this as my last attempt to stay close to the ballet, my future depends on the success I'll have on this platform; for which I would also appreciate every advice you have to offer me in order to improve.

I'll write about many random things, anecdotes, reflections (both in english and spanish) and perhaps a couple of photos that I managed to take when I had a telephone, I hope you like it.


pd: I love memes, puns and bad jokes in general. I just want it to put it out there. hahaha
I just remove the seriousness of my blog with this, I hope you forgive me.

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