Introducing myself - Ocean addict, Illustrator and wannabe scientific writer

Hi, I am Arnaudt, a French aspirant scientific writer and illustrator. Starting my steemit blog to learn how to post regularly some adventure, natural history and scientific content. I have spent my last years struggling with deep depression, and health issues. Just getting out of that zone, I have learned a lot about myself and what I want to do. I want to get out, post, create and share my work. I deal with a lot of anxiety and insecurities, so it is a great help for me to create some art, and doing a lot of research to write stories.

My hair is much longer now but can't find a newer picture :D

​ Somewhat obsessed with the sea and the marine life, I paint and draw fishes and sea creatures since I am a kid. Growing up I have learn a lot about the ocean's life, and its beauty, so I would love to share my vision and my feelings about it. I want bring some old stories about marine pioneers, adventurers and great yet barely unknown authors and scientific heroes from the past. I hope to interest you, and have some feedback to be able to improve my writing skills and style !

​ On the other hand, I have started my personal drawing project, the #1001fishes, were I paint each day a fish with watercolors. I'll share some of my favorites and eventually create a weekly gallery for these. I hope to skill up both my research, writing and illustration skills in the marine biology and natural history fields. And produce some great and entertaining content !

Here is my last one !


I'm looking forward to your toughs on my project, the great people I should follow here, and to start my journey here.
Thanks you all.

Take care, AT.

PS: just finished the @teamhumble skillshare course about starting on steemit, it is awesome !

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