What is Computer?


The word computer comes from the Greek compute word. Calculate the meaning of compute or calculate. And computer terminology means the calculator. But now the computer is not just a counting machine. Computer is an instrument that receives information and analyzes and presents through various processes. The development of civilization and its rapid progress now has strong influence on mathematics and computer. The first computer in Bangladesh came in 1964.

Computer History

In the prehistoric era, various efforts of inventing the instruments of calculation are considered as computer history. In ancient times, man used to use mussels, gravel, rope gitt etc. to understand the number. Abacus, an ancient counting machine, is considered to be the first device in computer history. It was discovered in Babylon in 2400 BCE in Babylon. The composite machine has been replaced by the calculator in the abacus frame. Abacus was created as 450/500 BC in Egypt or in China as a counting instrument.

In 1616, Scottish mathematician John Nepeier used to print or use scarf or rubbish for work. These rocks are known as John Napier's bone. In 1642, 19 year old French scientist Blaise Pascal discovered the first mechanical calculator. He started the process of adding tooth with wheeled wheel or gear. 1671 German mathematician Gottfried von Libin Pascal created a more advanced mechanical calculator with the ability to divide and divide using the wheel and the rack, based on the machine. He named the machine Rechoning Mechine. Later in 1820, Thomas D. Kommer revised the recoding machine and made Libny's device popular.

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