Hi Steemians, my journey in Steemit begins now...

Hi, Steemians, greetings. My name is Alberto Retali @aret8479. As all of you have already done it here I come with my first post to introduce myself to the community, this means a big step for me. I come with great desire to meet people from all over the world through this great project. I have read a lot about Steemit and finally decided to join. I want to share with you my essence, my experiences, my support and I want to learn a lot from you, from your abilities of what you have to give.

I was born and live in Venezuela, a beautiful country where I lived a wonderful childhood and adolescence and that is currently imprisoned under much pain and the most severe crisis of the history of our nation. I am the youngest of 5 children, raised by a responsible and hardworking father and a tireless mother.

I grew up playing soccer and baseball, the bicycle and the skateboard were my favorite means of transportation and the soundtrack of my life was set to the sound of the guitar strings of rock and punk bands, even today these wonderful lyrics and riffs coming out from my earphones walk with me every day wherever I go. I declare myself a lover of good food, videogames, the latest gadgets that come to the market, tech news in general, I love going to the movie theater and enjoying a good movie afternoon. I like and enjoy all the information I find in the internet related to science, history, universe, things to come in the future, good photography, culture, how diverse humans are, and so on. Of these, and many more topics I plan to write in the next posts, in addition to sharing those unique and day to day things that make life worth living fully.

I have had the good fortune to meet many excellent people who have made a great impact on my life and among them there is a person whose brightness shines higher on the others, she is my best friend, my confident, my partner, my girlfriend and wife, Asly, who with her love, her dedication , their unconditional support makes happy days better and difficult days bearable. I feel thankful because a person like her exists and makes the world a better place for me, and the best thing is that I am by her side to see her smile. In our adventure we are accompanied by a guardian, a brave lion, our Doky.

Currently, we are experiencing very difficult times in our country, the most serious crisis in its history as I said before. I hope that one day peace and prosperity will return and that when I become a father and grandfather, my children and grandchildren will know this great land as I did when I was a boy.

I plan to make Steemit my blog, my place to share who I am, my refuge, my thoughts, my skills, my achievements. I wish to nourish myself also of your stories, your arts skills, your knowledge.

I want to meet new people, follow you in your projects, give you upvotes, comment on your posts and resteem to help make them known. I hope in the same way, to be worthy to receive those same samples of gratitude for the contents that I publish in the future. In fact, one of my dreams is to be able to emigrate to another country where my family and I can have the opportunity to have a better quality of life and your support in this project I am starting now is a very important part to achieve this goal.

I wish to conclude this post by quoting the words of Tom DeLonge in his autobiographical song Rite of Spring from his band Angels and Airwaves, which are so similar to my life and with whom I totally identify despite the adversities of life we are the result of our decisions and we should be grateful for it:

If I had a chance for another try,
I wouldn’t change a thing
It's made me all of who I am inside
And if I could thank god
That I am here, and that I am alive
And everyday I wake
I tell myself a little harmless lie
The whole wide world is mine

Greetings and success for all!

Your friend, Alberto Retali @ aret8479

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