Daily information about Esports, Introducing @arena-esports

What's @arena-esports All About ?

@arena-esports will post all news / info about the game. Starting from Esport, guides, tips, and tricks. But @arena-esports not only presents that. We will discuss all the updates of games that are now being developed in console games, PC games and even mobile games, online and offline. all of that we will present to you all.

Console gamers? PC gamers? Mobile gamers? pfttt ... in @arena-esports we will not discriminate you guys like that. here we respect all of you even if you only play games on your smartphone, we still think you are a gamer and part of us.

We all have choice. We all have a say. We are spectators in life or we get in and play. Whichever we choose. How we handle lifes game. The choice are ours no one else is to blame.

- Tom Krause

What the hell is Esports ?

Ok.. let's go back to the topic. you must be familiar with the word "Esports". yup esports or electronic sports is a sports field that uses games as a key competitive area. History esports itself started since still before there was an internet about 1972 until now.

then how do they compete when there is no internet yet? they use the highscore method so yes the highest win, esport commonly called competitive game, pro gaming or electronical gaming, esport athlete work is playing game that has become their field and they will pursue and pursue deeper in order to win the tournament because the prize offered very tempting.

So.. what do you guys think? whether you get interested in esport or you want to know more about the latest news about the games, please follow @arena-esports. sunny, rainny, stormy, even falling meteors, we will keep on giving the latest news about games and esport every day to you guys.

That's enough for today, I hope you guys enjoy it. @arena-esports out !

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Have A Nice Day

Image Source : 1, 2, 3 & Gif

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