My Second Coming: Powering Back Up


I have a problem. A bad habit. A personality trait that doesn't serve me well. Astrologically it is represented by my Mars in Gemini. In non-occult terms, it means I have poor follow through and commitment. It's the astrological placement for the "jack of all trades, master of none". And that's pretty much all I know about it because, predictably, I never dove that deeply into learning astrology. I used to play guitar and write songs and honestly, I could charm a room but I stopped doing that too. When learning a new song required too much technicality, I gave up: "It's hard, I must not be able to do it". I have a portfolio full of cool art projects I've started and have yet to finish. It's easy to blame motherhood, but plenty of mothers I know have fine commitment skills.


To my credit, I will say I've stuck to and loved dream analysis ever since I found Michael Sheridan's method of spiritual dream interpretation, over two years ago. I've graduated from "jack" in this department. You'd be astonished at what I can tell you about yourself from your dreams. 😉

Where am I going with this? Well, I stopped steeming. For many "reasons". I didn't know how wide or narrow my focus should be when writing and posting. I didn't have the energy after my kids finally went to bed. I didn't know how personal I should or shouldn't get. I didn't have an ultimate goal for my writing. Excuses.

Then, last week, I sold all my steem to pay off a loan before they hit me with the 4K in interest - and I deeply regretted it. All my steem power, gone.

Within a day, I spoke with someone (okay, a channel/medium) who also woke me up to the idea that 'yes, my life purpose is in spiritual teaching/healing - but I'm not meant to be in business alone'. This person said I would actually have 3 people helping me, one person whom I've already met and "am very close to". This makes sense, I thought! Astrologically I have many planets in the 7th house (huge emphasis on learning through relationships). And trying to venture off alone always fizzles out (don't ask me the last time I posted to my dream interpretation Instagram page). I can't do it alone. I was never supposed to.

When I started racking my brain for the people with whom I'm 'very close' and with whom I might be destined to work, I could only think of 3 or 4 people. When I got to my youngest daughters' father the 'a-ha' was overwhelming.

@Codydeeds is my crypto/steemit guru. It takes a special mind to really understand how this crypto stuff works and I'm happy to let him do the heavy lifting in that department. He pushed me to set up my account and start blogging. He used to try to push me to continue music (I didn't). He is a natural marketer. He's the one.


When I told him, "I'm already close to the person I'm to be in business with" he held up one finger and said "it's me". He knew.

The intention is that both of us will mutually grow by working together and our ideas will bring us to the other two who will be joining whatever this endeavor is. I am to continue dream analysis and learn how to confidently navigate my channeling gift. My work will involve helping others identify their spiritual gifts and heal traumas from other lifetimes (that may or may not be blocking said gifts). Sounds easy and fun right? I don't yet know how I'll be accomplishing this, but discovery is part of the adventure.

@Codydeeds is helping me power up my account by loaning me 1000 steem. He did this last year to help me get started and it was SO helpful. I was able to pay him back AND earn the 3400 steem I recently sold with only a few months of consistent posting.

My intention now is to create documentation of my successes and failures and to practice commitment and follow through - build that muscle.

It's an interesting combination of skill sets we are utilizing and it feels better to know I have good support.

I appreciate all of you here and everyone reading this and I'm happy to be a part of something still in its young days, relatively speaking. This (steemit) is something that I believe is setting the stage for even greater things to come.

I'm back! Special thanks to @codydeeds.


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