Popular Sayings on Money You Should Never Believe

These beliefs have become repeated over and over again that to question their validity seems outrageous. The regrettable part is that having these beliefs actually gets in the way of building wealth. I would say most millionaires don’t agree with any of these beliefs.


This is very critical because our thoughts (and beliefs) determine our feelings, feelings determine our emotions, emotions determine our actions, and actions determine our destiny. This is why having the wrong beliefs about money will greatly affect the fulfillment of your financial destiny. My goal in this post is that you set your beliefs straight, so your path to wealth will also be straight. So forget that…

1. Money isn’t that important.


While love makes the world go round, it can’t buy you food nor can it pay your bills and other expenses. Saying money isn’t that important may sound insightful, romantic and wise, but it’s just plain wrong. Rich people know that money is extremely important for aspects wherein it’s appropriate. Likewise, it is extremely unimportant for aspects wherein it’s inappropriate.

The lesson here is that money, family and relationships are all equally important. You don’t need to choose between them, because you can choose all of them!

2. You need money to make money.


In the world of investing, it’s true that the more money you have, the more money you can make. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money if you don’t have any. Money is just a physical symbol / representation of anything that has value. This means you can make money with your time, skills, knowledge, or expertise. And the higher the value of the service or product, the more money it makes. For instance:

Sending a text to someone in the country – P1
Helping someone back out of a street parking – P5
Providing unlimited internet access for a month – P999
Servicing a company’s clients for a month – P20000
The lesson here is to not limit the ways by which you can make money. If you’re feeling you’re not making enough, what you can do is increase the value you provide to the people around you.

3. It is better to give than to receive.


This is always part of any message asking for donations, almost as if giving something to someone makes you a better person than them. Here’s the thing: giving and receiving are equally important. For every giver, there must be a receiver. And for every receiver there must be a giver!

Giving everything away without taking anything might seem noble, but it’s highly unsustainable. Sooner or later, you’ll run out of things to give. This is very important to know since most of us are very good givers, but poor receivers. As poor receivers, we’re also afraid to ask for the things we need and want in life.

The lesson here is to be a better receiver, and ask for what you want – ask for that promotion, ask for capital, ask for a mentor, and ask for money! If you do not ask, you do not receive. And if you do not receive, you cannot give.

4. Money is the root of all evil.


Money is neutral; it’s neither good nor evil. Money is just a magnifying glass that amplifies the person. Give it to a good person and it will be used for good. Give it to an evil person and it will be used for evil. Money feeds and clothes the poor. Money builds schools and hospitals. Money buys votes, and silences witnesses.

If you’re a good person, I pray for your wallet so that you may bless others with your money. Otherwise, I pray for your soul so that you may use your blessings for the good.

5. It’s enough to live the simple life.


Ah, the simple life. It’s all about having just enough: a just-right home, a just-right car, and a just-right income. It’s also about having a just-right vacation, a just-right education, and of course a just-right emergency. Wait… what!?

You read that right. A just-right emergency! It’s an emergency that will first look at how much you can afford. Then, it will only take that amount from you. Don’t you just love planning just-right emergencies? (I think you know where this is going already…)

“Just-right emergencies” never happen. While many of us want the simple life, the rest of the world is complicated. Accidents are complicated. Sicknesses are complicated. Retrenchments and recessions are complicated. Not to mention costly.

The key point here is to redefine what a simple life is. To me, a simple life is not about having just-enough. It’s about having more than enough, so that when something happens, I wouldn’t need to worry. A simpler life is about not having to worry about money. It’s about having multiple options, but choosing the ‘just-enough’ one.

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