Hallo to all Steemit, Just an Intro

Hey all,

This is Anmol, I am studying social work in Master's degree which is interesting because you understand people, place, their condition, and so many unspoken things. It is like a journey.


Here I also consider myself an Artist. Being an Artist is just not about hobby/passion but more than it is my daily plan. Before I will speak about Art and etc. let's see how I begin.


I have started painting when I was a little girl. I got inspired when I watched Titanic (movie). Even though I was too young to understand what actually was happening in the movie but all I could remember is that the Artwork and how it presented there. It got stuck in my mind. I started drawing. I kept on drawing in my school notebook which was never liked by my mother because instead of taking school notes I used to draw only. Where my father found it very interesting. I still know I used to show him my every single picture that I drew in my notebook. He used to laugh in happiness. Seeing my father laughed also the reason why I kept on drawing. Then I never stopped.

That's me. Middle one.

After painting for years when I found myself that I draw fine. I started selling my artwork to anyone who ever likes it. The first money I got from my artwork. I gave it to an orphanage. I do not really know why but I still do it sometimes.
I also attach stories on my paintings.
So If you are reading it, you are going to read more stories.


The waves of life (painting) I sold it, long time back.
The little story behind this painting was my desire to visit a beach. This is the painting which I painted before visiting the beach. There is one more painting which I painted when I really saw it. That you will be seeing soon.

Apart from It whenever I get the chance I usually visit different places. I will be sharing my experience, stories and of course my artwork.


If you enjoyed this post and my art work. Please like it and Keep Visiting. New updates will be here.

Until then stay calm and stay creative.

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