My personal FAQ, about the detailed principle of all calculations steemit ... (I will refine it with your comments) THANK YOU!

My personal FAQ, about the detailed principle of all calculations steemit ... (I will refine it with your comments) THANK YOU!

I post this video because I have 3 specific questions in mind:

  1. How is the total value (in $) of the wealth distributions of the steem power of each person through the like (or up-vote)?
  2. How can the system gain wealth if no one buys steem and progresses naturally in the community by posting and liking positions?
  3. How does the healing system work with those who gain steams by their up-vote (or like)?

Here is what I deduced from it by reflecting myself (correct me - Please - with your comments if I'm wrong):

My 3 answers surely still approximate (since I am only beginner):

  1. I suppose it's a cumulated and weighted sum with steem power in coefficients.

    For example, if I name three people A, B, C having as steempower pA, pB, pC having voted for a content, then your sum is: (pA + pB + pC) $ (because it says I believe somewhere that 1 steem power = 1 dollars)

    So, that I think I have a little bit understood. That's why we can have 1000 votes. If all have 0.1 steam power, then I will earn $ 100 equivalence for my post. OK !
  2. I think that the system is gaining wealth because people are investing in themselves or in others.

    If no one bought steem, and no one converted steem into steempower, then the steem would have no values. But it is precisely because the steem reflects the CONTENT, the RICHNESS OF THE CONTENT, the REPUTATION of an individual, that he has market values. I SAW I BELIEVE (correct me if I'm wrong)
  3. Suppose I'm voting for myself with 0.5 of STEEM POWER, let p0 = 0.5 (p0 being in dollars)

    Suppose that the older we are in the vote, the more we harvest steem power. This would mean that there might be a distribution coefficient of wealth, for example, the first is first served and gets 100% of the wealth of voters.

    I know, I invent, but I can only do that for now, because I'm French and I do not understand anything at all about the technique used to evaluate c0 (the accumulation of the person 0, it is to say me)

    So, I continue: suppose he has the 3 votes more than myself, (from question 1).

    Then we would have p1 = pA = 0.1, p2 = pB = 0.5, p3 = pC = 0.4 (to resume their current steem power for example)

    Which would give a cumulation for p0 of p0 = p1 + p2 + p3 = 0,1 + 0,5 + 0,4 = 1 steam = 1 $. This would appear in the standards!

    Which means that p1 would hit p2 + p3 = $ 0.9 and p2 would hit p3 = $ 0.4

    We would understand perfectly the interest of LIKER FIRST one of his own posts when we are really confident that he will perse;)

    May this be the problem that brings me to the 4th question (which I had not foreseen): CONFUSION BETWEEN CUMULUM AND CURATION
  4. To avoid confusing the accumulation and curation of the same post, I will clarify things with beautiful constants.

    = sigma (pi) with i varying from 1 to 3 = p1 + p2 + p3 = 1 $
    Curation (k) = sigma (pi) with i varying from k to 3 = p1 + p2 + p3 = 1 $ // (for k = 1 in other words: if we voted first for his post)

    But that's another problem. I do not think it would be more motivating to be the first liker than simply removing the first pi. So, maybe the formula, to CREATE wealth, has coefficients in front of p.

    But as I know nothing about it, I stop here for speculations;)

I hope that these reflections will have helped you, without which you will have given the chip to the ear as for the real functioning of the principle.

Because I personally find that the acquisition of steem dollars lack of transparency, for curation (cumulation still goes, it's intuitive ... but curation I do not know, it seems a little hidden)

And for the reputation, I really have no idea of

the magic formula that gives it;)

In short, hoping that this article will have helped you;)


David, the son of Angel Momone who has just started on steemit! ;)


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