My 60th Post, hundreds of followers and I'm still not getting any viewers! What do I do next?

So I am invested in STEEM! I believe that this is platform is something incredibly powerful for the future and I really want to be part of it. However, what I am finding frustrating is that after sixty posts and having over 400 followers now my posts are seemingly viewed by one or two people and I am not getting any interaction from the STEEM community. Is my content not engaging enough? Is the way that the platform shows my content in peoples streams not helping? Is the only way to get interaction on STEEM from members of the community to be part of a group who collectively like each others content or use bots to gain exposure? I would love to get some feedback from people out there that may know what I am either doing wrong or maybe what I am not doing right, however based on my rate of interaction from you guys out there on STEEM so far I will look at this post in a few days and it will have been seen by three people and will have minimal or no interaction!! I would love to be proved wrong!! I have tagged in the categories that I have/and intend to to keep posting in with the hope that people who follow those tags may read and give me some advice!


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