Introduce yourself | Hello Steemit!

Hello everyone! My name is Andrea, or Andy for short, and I’m a eighteen-year-old girl from a small dog-shaped town called San Luis Potosí, which is located in the center of Mexico. As a mexican girl who lives practically in a desert, I really appreciate a good rainy day and even cold weather.

I'm currently on my last year of high before college, and, to be honest, I don't know if I whether like the idea or not. I mean... I'm excited, of course! I'm closer to study what I'm passionate about. The point is that most of my friends can't wait to grow up while I'm holding tight to this moment.

Books have been in my life since I was a kid. At the age of four, I remember asking my grandma to read for me, so I could memorize each line and pretend I was reading by myself. Now a days the bookshelves of my room are full and I'm starting to get a little bit worried.

I guess it's really hard for me to pick a favorite one because I have found myself in every each of them. However I can mention some titles that have created an impact in me up to this moment:

  • The Truce, by Mario Benedetti.
  • El murmullo de las abejas —although there is no version in English, the translation would be "The whisper of the bees"—, by Sofía Segovia.
  • The Idhún's Memories, by Laura Gallego.

And last but not least: Rupi Kaur's book, Milk and Honey. Poetry for women. Here's one of my favorites:

"I want to apologize to all the women I have called pretty

before I've called them intelligent or brave

I am sorry I made it sound as though

something as simple as what you're born with

is the most you have to be proud of when your spirit has crushed


from now on I will say things like you are resilient or you are


not because I don't think you're pretty

but because you are so much more than that"

So life continued as used to until one day I started writing. I guess I had a lot to say and my mouth wasn't enough. I wouldn't classify myself as a writer, but as a reader who writes. And who do I writer for? Entirely for me.

English speakers… are you in love with English as much as I'm in love with Spanish?  It is amazing how the brain decodes symbols into meanings. And at the same time those meanings transform into a sentence that you're reading right now.

The thing with Spanish is that I can feel in my tongue how strong it is, yet so delightful and graceful.

Besides writing and reading, photography is other of my passions. I'm a beginner for the moment, but as a beginner I want to share with you some of my pics.

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