Hi! I Love You and wanna Follow you - New on Steem

Hi every one

I am Andikan Franky, I held from the most peaceful state in my country which is Akwa Ibom State. The only State in my country that is so rich with natural minerals.

I am a believer of Christ Jesus and i faith i vouch to hold till the end of this physical life here on earth.
I am the second child of the family and by privilege the first male child.

I know i am funny and i like the fact that i put smiles on the faces of people. Am assuring #steemians that i am surely going to turn their saddest moments in great times of joy here on the #Steem #Blockchain.

I am still in my teen age but trust me, i so love to make a world of possibilities for myself and the people around me.

What I can Do

  • I can drum.

  • I can draw and i promise the entire #Steem kiddies, that i will be making amazing hand drawn cartoons for them here.

  • I can do stand up comedies, in the later future, i hope to be doing few stand up comedies for you guys.

  • I am a good motivator and an "activational" speaker. Yes i just said an activational speaker and not a motivational speaker because motivation needs at just telling people what they know already but activational speaking moves steps further to getting you do things at all cost.

What are My Believe?

  • As the first boy of the family, one of the greatest burden i have is to set the pace for others to follow, hence i believe in creativity, resourcesfulness and productivity.

  • I believe in the death and resurrection of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

  • Believe in people

  • I also believe in unity.

My Niche

Having been told by @kufray, that one can only excel on the #steem #blockchain through active participation in communities, i seek to find more interesting communities to join in order to gain the full blessing of the #steem #blockchain.

@Kufray also told me of the @Steemchurch community which seeks to enforce the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ even on #Blockchain with @Darlenys01 as the newly inaugurated @steemchurch leader. He also told me about the vision of the @steemchurch which is to leave footprints of Love just as Christ did when He was here on earth. I wouldn't be in a haste to make vows now until i am fully vested with every knowledge i need to have about @Steemchurch.

@Kufray also told me of the steemchurch telos expansion project which he said that this vision was spare headed by our emeritus @Steemchurch leader @Sirknight. Before the week runs out, i will see to it that i register for #telos and also get my family on friends registered.

My Burden for the World

Over here in my nation, the trendy thing here is cultism and daily, great number of young people even teenagers are either forced into it by supposed senior school mates, friends or even relatives. My burden is that God will cause a revival in my nation that will drag all to Himself.

What i am Doing in My own Little Way

Every Saturday, i go out into my street to tell my fellow teenagers about the Love of Jesus and the provisions He has kept for everyone who will come to Him and i also sensitize them on the dangers of cultism and possible measures to feel from the snare of the devil.

My Words To All #Steemian

A stitch in time they say saves nine. Please i want to enjoin all to develop a passion for the teenage in our locality as they bad boy today may become the first harm rubber who will point a gun at you and get your car keys from you or even rape your love one in front of you without you being able to do anything to salvage the situation.

I am @andifranky i love you guys and thanks for passing through my blog and upvoting me

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