Hi, I'm Amos! Better known as Sadsongsnskinnyjeans 👖 I have a passion for photography

I don't usually do introductions because I like to sneak in quietly but...

I'm a 23-year-old self-taught photographer.
I grew up in a family of creatives, with my dad being an Industrial and product designer (which has its great benefits and downfalls - more on that later) I've always been around computers and arts from a young age.

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I learned how to build websites when I was 12 after my dad handed me a book and said: "read this and you'll be smart"
I've since moved on from web and graphic design to photography where I finally feel I've found my passion and for the first time felt that I was actually really good at something. I also found some success on Instagram which pushed me to continue creating.

I'll soon be making the move to Los Angeles, CA to hopefully further my opportunities since Michigan where I currently live doesn't offer much in terms of agencies and models.

My brother suggested I check out Steemit and share my work here with the community. Eager to learn more from this awesome community, as well as share some of my knowledge in the photography world via my tutorials and in the future vlogs.

Some things most people wouldn't guess about me:

  • I grew up on a farm in the country & showed horses as a kid
  • I actually do have some irish in me though you wouldn't know by looking
  • I've never been on any sort of carnival ride/rollercoaster
  • I'm an introvert and putting myself out there is challenging - all about adjusting my mindset
  • I drive Uber on the weekends

Excited to connect with you all on Steemit and perhaps some of you offline as well!

Ciao for now!

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