The ultimate bachelorette: fairytales, babies, cats, and crafts

Hello Steemit world!

Hailing from the Maritimes, in Canada, currently beset by June bugs! Ick!

I'm a cat-loving bookaholic obsessed with my baby neice. Seriously. Obsessed. (In an "I'm a first-time auntie" way.) I tried to find a recent pic of myself to add here and literally all of the pictures on my phone are of my cat and my neice! So here's a pic of my cat instead! She's a real Peeping Tom.

I also love picnics, but I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy without cramping my not-enough-time-in-the-day-for-cooking lifestyle. Sandwiches are way easier than real adult meals! Hello slow-cooker!

In the past couple of years, I've been teaching myself to quilt and crochet. I'm still amazed that twisting a strand of yarn creates adorable/useful/pretty 3D objects! Its so friggin' cool!!

And, as I mentioned already, I'm a bookaholic. It's becoming a real problem. (I mean, there are only so many bookshelves I can fit into my little apartment, but there are sooooo many beautiful books in the world!! What's a girl to do?!) I generally find myself reading sci-fi, fantasy, and kids' books--I think because I've always adored fairytales, and these genres are most likely to imitate or allude to those old favourites. This one's my favourite bookshelf:

So those are some of my interests. From a long glance at some of the other introductions, it sounds like there are some really great, talented people on here. Hopefully I can connect with some kindred spirits! :) Anyone have a recommendation to add to my kids book collection?

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