I AM~~~ Different Than I Was a Moment Ago

I am Alexis, aka @alexstacy, cultivating my own version of ecstasy in this experience of life, and encouraging others to do the same. I am here to comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.

(photo by @lallyiam #stilfocusmedia)

I'm so thrilled to be delving into the steemit world with ya'll! I'm here to share my muse~ings from past, present, and future as the UnIverse informs me to do. I am listening... I have been listening... and I am excited to share what I hear that wants to come through to the best of my ability.
I enjoy going deep and getting heady on most subjects, yet I also consistently attempt to maintain presence in my experiences without the need to constantly narrate. I adore words and cherish silence. I traverse this paradox of language with as much awareness as I can muster.

Introducing myself in this manner brings up great resistance in me (back in the day I refused to apply to any college that required me to write a personal essay). It feels as if I will forever be yoked to this inadequate and brief description of "who I think I am." I am Alexis. This label has come to symbolize me and, simultaneously, qualifies nothing about me. According to Western Astrology, I am an Aries. The root word of Aries is "I Am", so this should be easy for me, right? It's not.

But here I Am, introducing myself~~~
The only self that truly exists is in the Now.
So please allow me to be transient in my belief,
that I may find perpetual relief
from any tension in trying to perfectly articulate
through words that all mean, "I just wanna relate."
Please accept my poetry as constantly in motion.
It's all love songs to the divine,
cuz my heart's a cosmic ocean~~~

Okay. I'm at least going to have fun with it... which is my basic attitude towards life. Even when it's difficult, or yucky things are lapping at my consciousness, I try to play with it. And I'm usually pretty successful. I'm also pretty inclined to get super personal, completely vulnerable, and totally trasparent while attempting to balance with, and honor others' boundaries. Catharsis is also very valuable to me, so I'm not one to turn away from shadows or dark subject matter. I will go all in and attempt to transmute the experience. This is part of my Djedi training in this vessel that I have been bestowed. (That's right... I take that SHIfT siriusly!)<{for: Yanni 😜 😇}

(image by #brettjones)

My excitement for this platform is immense. I envision using this steemit account to share how I have grown, am growing and evolving, in this human experience. I pray, within my posts and in getting to know me, you find self-reflection and discovery, vocational arousal, curiosity, inspiration, catalysts for well-being, and mystery to follow. I plan to include journal entries, poetry, videos, essays, articles, and anything else that spirit moves me to share.
Some of the other steemit portals I will be coming through include:

-A musical laboratory which exists everywhere called the Gaia Experiment where we will sing songs of the now to, and with, you. - @gaiaexperiment ~ https://www.facebook.com/gaiaexperiment ~ https://soundcloud.com/gaia-experiment

-A Global Action Network of Superheroes named the StarTribe Alliance ~ 13 guilds activations @ https://startribealliance.org/ ~ https://www.facebook.com/StarTribeAlliance/ ~ @startribealliance (coming soon)

(graphic by @alaisclay and brett jones)

My brightest vision, intention, and manifestation in life currently, is helping to create and foster communities and ecovillages that support harmonious, balanced coexistence amongst all forms of life. I believe that starts with creating systems that work to regenerate and revive our existing infrastructure. In a (first)world of convenience, if we want change, we need to make the regenerative, permaculture alternatives convenient and available, and/or inspire a shift in the motivations of our fellow humans. This is where my passion is taking me~~~

(StarTribe Village by Brett Jones)

Brief Bio-Breakdown
Conceived in a trailer-home shower in South Carolina one August in the early 80's, my due-date was April Fools Day, but it was not to be. Homeborn, during a spring blizzard, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, surrounded by a strange blending of amish farmlands and urban settlements. Aries sun, Libra moon, Leo rising. (in case you're interested in that kind of thing) Raised in rural suburbia in a town containing no streetlights, but four churches. Father, a culinary artist/ heirloom restauranteer/ fisherman/ functional alcoholic/ jazz-blues guitarist. Mother, a doctor of chiropractic/ aerobics instructor/ full-time ma/ piano player. Three younger sistars: One, Mother of 2 1/2~ Two, Dr. of Chemistry~ and seven years later, the Baby, Anthropologist. Baptised Rosacrucian ~ developed into Unitarian Universalist (and beyond!). Never vaccinated. Privileged and grateful. Grew up on the freaky side of my culture~ "Think for yourself, question authority", raves, pot, psychedelics, and PLUR. Four years of college for a degree in Psychology at Kutztown U. Year two, my mother was diagnosed bipolar after believing she was channeling spirits. She separated from my father, and quit her chiropractic practice. Graduated. Lived briefly back at home with a mother I no longer knew. Family assets started dissipating. Moved with my college love to Manitou Springs, Colorado, where I still call hohm. Got an amazing dog. Worked for a year as a foster-care case manager. Had an office, salary, benefits, credit cards, and hairy armpits. Transitioned out of my longest partnership to date, and discovered I am polyamorous (whatever that means). Met a seductive, homeless musician who moved in with me the day we met ("what do you call a musician with no girlfriend?"), convinced me to quit my job and come to California, and shifted my life exponentially farther into the realms of personal expansion and expression. Traveled west. Cultivated being home-free and $-less while living in abundance. Experienced intense relationship trauma. Father sold the restaurant after 70 years in operation. Saturn returned. I broke. I expanded. Journey of the wounded healer. Moved to Denver, and expanded commUnity. Coalesced into my abilities as a performer/ artist/ event producer/ massage therapist/ community organizer. Dog passed away. Uncle passed away. (Haven't had many deaths in my close family) Moved into an RV to sooth my gypsy soul. Extended Travels. Got another amazing dog. More travels. Settling back into the Colorado groove. And here ~ On the precipice of 36 solar cycles in Gaia ~ In the vessel known as Alexis ~
~~ I AM ~~

So I'll see you around in here as I discover what this little minnow has to offer to the sea of our collective conscious. I aim to learn to sing with the whales. Let us follow each other into the portals of our shared existence. May we foster each connectivation to empower us towards an ever more loving and harmonious evolution. Blessed be~~~

Huge gratitude to those who have helped me get on the steemit path! Especially Kenny Palurintano @kennyskitchen . I highly recommend you follow his brilliance! I'm still getting connected to all the cohearts, but here's who I found so far that I suggest you follow as well so we can @tribesteemup ! :


Infinite Love,

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