Introduce Yourself: My First Post on Steemit

Hello Steemit! I guess I'm supposed to share a little about myself. Let me start with my name is Carla and I currently reside in Virginia. I am a wife, a homeschool mom of three beautiful girls and I work part time on an herb farm.
Yesterday I went on my first real hike with my husband. It was a 7+ mile hike in Shenandoah National Park. The temperatures stayed below freezing, making it an interestingly 'cold' first experience. I LOVED IT! I can't wait to go again and share more adventures here. IMG_4742.jpg
I recently made the transition to a Paleo lifestyle. I've enjoyed playing with new recipes and educating my daughters, as well as myself, on healthy eating. I did struggle quite a bit with what to pack for our hike and maintain the caveman diet. I did quite a bit of research and experimenting on recipes that would work in my pack. We made our own beef jerky, Paleo granola and these Paleo energy bites. I hope to share the recipes that are successful here. IMG_4588.JPG
I am a year and half away from the big 4-0. My goal is to have the body and energy I've always wanted by the time I get there. So I am "Hiking to 40" and I am hoping to share that experience here!

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