Hacking my way through University 101 Classes, literally.


My non-computer related hack that made me serious money during University.

Everyone seems to be talking about how college is just not worth it — I disagree. Sure, college is a shitload of money, but the experience can and should be priceless. It’s what you make of it. For me, university was more about learning outside of class. If you saw my GPA you would of thought I attended classes like everyone else, but I didn’t. When I did go, it was only to introduce myself to the ladies with hopes of getting laid. I was young. Back then, for all intents and purposes, my drug-induced logic was simple yet surprisingly effective. Go to class early to socialize, flirt, charm and flatter my way into a study date, which often led to a drink and a good ole drunken fuck.

What am I doing here? I said this to myself often.

Like many of my peers, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, so I did what most guys in college do… I got fucked up every day that ended in ‘y’ and slept with as many girls as I could… My behavior was excessive, ridiculous and downright offensive, but I have very few regrets. Well, maybe one, but if your friends didn’t see, it never happened.

Sensing opportunity.

When you attend a large school in a massive college town, ranked for being in one of the greatest college towns in America three things are certain:
(1) The school year starts in September with ~28,000 students ready to rage! (2) The school will pack ~500 students into every 101 course resulting in over-enrollment. (3) If the class had a 101 at the end, you could be sure attendance would drop off by the 5th week and General Education lectures would be the most skipped classes. For me, these 3 certainties led to an unconventional opportunity causing a piratical gleam in my eye. I saw opportunity.

Let the hacking begin.

At the start of each semester, I would stand outside General Education lectures and handed out fliers. My goal was to hire students who would do two things: attend every class and take amazing notes. Yes, I was making use of and reproducing the work of another (Professor) without authorization — hence the piratical gleam. But I did pay my tuition so I believe I took what was mine. Before hiring, I required a note-taking sample and a copy of the would be note-takers transcript to make sure they were serious about grades. My note-takers were the real deal and did a great job. I paid them well. Before semester finals, I typed, printed and bound the semester notes. Then just before finals week I started slinging course notes around campus. I sold something like ~100 notebooks per course @ $40-$50 each and did between 5-6 courses each semester. Needless to say my efforts brought in a ridiculous amount of money each semester. Although I technically really only worked 40 hours per semester on this hack, I was extremely focused on doing it well. So I reduced the amount of time spent partying and fucking to focused on this non-computer hack.


Obviously, the school wasn’t happy with my side business, but when you go to a large school, they have bigger issues to deal with. Plus, the disciplinary action doesn’t phase me and it would have been a lot more stressful if my parents hadn’t put everything in my name. This way I was assured that they wouldn't be getting any adminitrative notices.

Finding yourself by hustling.

So to all those who are thinking about skipping college, you could be missing out on an opportunity to figure out who you are and what you are made of. Whether I was out hustling for pussy or slinging class notes, the university helped me figure out who I was in a round-about-way. Don’t get me wrong, when spending thousands of dollars for school it can be hard to forget why you enrolled, but when you do, the beauty of college becomes clearer than ever.

More than one way.

For most, College has a direct route (4 years, ~126 credits, GPA, major+minor), but for me, it was a maze consisting of the three branches: partying/socializing, fucking and hacking… and I truly cannot think of a better way to go to college. Although I’ve grown since my college years, I am still the same guy who breaks rules and hustles in order to make things happen… both personally and professionally.

If nothing else.

Just remember… It’s way easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission. Hackers don’t ask for permission because they don’t see why permission is needed.

Follow @alakazam for more

Tags: #introduceyourself #education #busy #hacking #life

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