Yo Steemit! How you doin'? I am your friend in Puerto Rico. How can I be of service?


I am so excited I barely know where to start. Yes I do, my gratitude. Thank you for your attention. There are lots of things you could be doing on here and you're choosing to read this. I am grateful for that. It's incredible how this movement has sucked me in. I have spent the last few days devouring articles, videos, posts and comments. Man, have I learned a whole lot from you guys. I learned that this is a great community of people looking to do things differently than we have been doing. And since I am a big fan of change, I am so loving it. So much so, that I am eager to do my part to advance this paradigm shift. Totally looking forward to expressing myself freely and finding a community of like-minds.

One of the most resounding lessons repeated over and over by different Steemians I read was this, write from the heart and seek those of like-mind. That is the way to have successful organic growth on the platform. Now there are a few debates as to whether organic or paid growth is the way to go. I have been learning about those as well. Must say that I stand on the side of organic growth most every time. I do understand the quickie path and the temptation. Hell, I'm a newbie though, and I really shouldn't even be opining. Perhaps I'll soon find myself having to resort to paid assistance in order to get paid. Until then, I'm shooting for slowly but surely. I hope I didn't step on any toes with these words. Just trying to come from the heart.

As a beginner, I have to say I fell in with a great crowd of teachers. I'm starting to see that there are, as it should be, various helpful guides in the Steemit community. I'm looking forward to learning from as many of these guides as possible. I would love it if some of you would share in the comments those teachers and guides that have been helpful to you. I'll start by mentioning a video I saw with an interview of @timcliff by @terrybrock. That video was educational and inspiring. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Also I'm going to name some Steemians whose posts helped me in one way or another to better understand Steemit. I know I have yet to learn a whole lot, but I am very grateful I came across posts by these folk. I will put links to said articles in some future post, stay tuned, please :) The teachers I've been lucky enough to learn from thus far are: @teamsteem, @whatsup, @thecryptofiend, @papa-pepper, @bycoleman, @glenalbrethsen, @angelking and there are others that have taken the time out to make sure this community works and that us newbies feel welcome and addressed. Gracias to all of you!


By the way, my name is Juan, my friends call me Kano and I got here to Steemit totally by chance. Started looking into it and just loved the whole concept. Had to learn about crypto-currency and blockchains because I was clueless. Like I said, I've learned a whole lot in the past few days. It gives me hope to see new ways of doing things. It's the only way we will break free from the old ways, always need something new to replace the old.

I live in Puerto Rico and will be writing about that, religion, politricks, and living simply. I am a vegetarian who can't let go of eggs and cheese just yet, but I am wanting to be a raw vegan by the time i'm 65 (I'm 52 now). I am Christian, but not your typical Christian. I live by the greatest commandment - Love. Seriously though, if you rolled your eyes, said 'oh no', or actually thought about clicking away from here, feel free to chat with me before you go. I promise that I'll never make you think negatively of Jesus or true Christians with my words.


Absolutely love movies and books. Will list a few of my favorites, curious to see if y'all are familiar with all of these. Movies - Citizen Kane, Fight Club, Dreams, Mindwalk, Godfather, Bamboozled, Fahrenheit 911, Cowspiracy. Books - Science of Self, Spontaneous Evolution, Job: A Comedy of Justice, Be Here Now, Stranger in a Strange Land. Authors - Robert Anton Wilson, Chogyam Trungpa, Stuart Wilde, Carlos Castaneda, Robert Heinlein.

As you can see from my lists, I have widely eclectic tastes. That goes for everything. I listen to all kinds of music. Eat all types of food, so long as it's vegetarian. Can be way left on some issues, while swinging to the right on others. I'm a firm believer in common sense, which is severely lacking in politricks and most anything else for that matter. The Golden Rule and the KISS principle keep my life easy.

Well, I really need to get busy. Will be following all those I've mentioned here. Also looking to join @steemchurch, what a great idea that was. So many firsts yet to come on Steemit, I'm so glad to be able to be a part of some of those. Will probably spend the next few days learning more about the details. If anybody feels like giving some advice, please feel free to do so. I will be looking for stuff I like so I can upvote and comment. Might be a few days before I post again.

Thanks again for your attention. Please let me know what you think of my writing so far. And if you have any questions on Puerto Rico, well, you now have a friend in pr. Paz y mas!


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