Full time illustrator - first post Steemian

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Hi, Hafiz here. I would like to introduce myself to the Steemit community so here goes šŸ˜Š

I am working as an illustrator/ graphic designer in Selangor, Malaysia. Itā€™s been about 4 years now and I canā€™t say that I hate my job, so thatā€™s a good sign.

I attended university at Curtin Uni, Western Australia. I chose a course in Architecture, thinking that my talent/ interests would translate to this profession. While I had some fun and memorable experience, Architecture was just not for me Iā€™m afraid. I managed to finish my bachelorā€™s degree but I then transitioned into Illustrations and Graphic Design where I truly felt a sense of belonging.

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My early drawings. Characters are usually the first things you draw when starting out

My first job as an illustrator was actually the first job I had when coming back to Malaysia. I applied for a job at a company called Inspidea as a BG (background) artist. This company is a great way to gain experience and immerse yourself in the animation industry/ field. They have over 200 people in employment and will give you a shot if they feel that you have potential. I spent one year working here where I worked on animation projects like ā€œGet Blakeā€ and ā€œLollirockā€. Ironically, I was praised by my team leader for my perspective drawings which I honed during my time in architecture (haha).

You see those backgrounds? I had a part in drawing that :)

After a brief stint at Inspidea, I moved on to another company called Edukid Distributors. This company specializes in producing educational materials for children. They also produce different products such as cook books and puzzles. If you are an avid visitor of Malaysian bookstores, you will find many Edukid books being sold there.
My main focus was drawing activity books as well as books that focuses on Islamic knowledge. You will find samples of illustrations from this publishing company in my portfolio.

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A book about traditional Malay folklores. It's pretty cool to see your work being published and sold in bookstores.

Anyway, thatā€™s enough about me. Feel free to ask me any questions or give me suggestions on what to write about. I am not the most talented or experienced artist (or writer) but I will give you my outlook and my opinions based on my perspective. Thanks for reading guys. See you again soonā€¦

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