Introducing abitofcode - Inventor, serial procrastinator and developer of SuperTurboActionPig and Sketchshare

Hello Steemit Community,

I'm Chris Wilson a mobile app and game developer based in the North of England on the outskirts of Manchester. A few years ago I was an active Administrator in the Cocos2d forums with a number of successful apps under my belt and regularly blogging my coding experiments.

Having always worked directly for my clients I got caught out for a while by the changing industry. People in tech appeared to be in competition to award themselves the most grandiose job title, "Creative visionary", "Digital Prophet", "Dream Alchemist" while development changed from the joy of communication and experimentation to one of "Just get it done, we'll worry about the consequences later".

At the same time I had a number of other factors that popped up out of nowhere;

  • A client attempted to sue my company and me personally over a ridiculous IP claim (They lost).
  • I Developed double vision and was sent to have my head examined (everything OK).
  • For the first time in 15 years of freelancing had 2 clients deciding not to pay (Not nice, but resolved).
  • We had to up sticks and move to the big smoke so my wife could train as a teacher.

Chris and the Fish

It was at this point that Apple decided to put the boot in and pull an app, Sketchshare I had written with a friend just as it was taking off. The irony being it was taking off because they had promoted it in the App store as the iPad app of the week on one of those big banner things. That's another story for another time with a hopefully happier ending :)

iPad app of the week

A couple of years pass...

The offspring

I'm now back in a much happier place and don't take things quite as seriously any more. I have two amazing daughters who love everything Science and Tech, live in a great village and get to pop into Manchester regularly to keep up with all the tech stuff going on in the North.

I really miss the community of the cocos2d forums, it was a fantastic time with an amazing bunch of developers and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into steemit.

The plan is to use my new found joy of techs to get the projects I've been working on finished, up onto steemit and simultaneously defeat the instant gratification monkey. These projects range from code experiments and electronics tinkering to a range of STEM activities aimed at educators and students.

Gallery of half finished stuff built watching YouTube videos

Some half finished projects

Hopefully with a bit of momentum I might even get a SuperTurboActionPig update out before Apple pulls that as well ;)




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