steemit intro

I'm not sure how I got here, honestly. 

I got all manic one night and decided to take a long drive.

I ended up in Maryland, which is weird because I honestly thought that I was headed west the entire drive. My starting point was Middle Tennessee. IDK. Then I saw a sign as the sun was coming up that said something about the Potomac River and Virginia is for Lovers and then boom 'WELCOME TO MARYLAND'. It is worth noting here that I would have never noticed these signs had I not been staring out the windshield at what I was convinced at the time was undoubtedly a flying craft of deep space origins. I'm still not convinced it was otherwise.

Anyway, I figured what the heck, I'd went that far in a direction I thought was west and was not, might as well see what Maryland has to offer in early summer / late spring. 

Goat farms. Float tanks. Data farms. Government and military stuff. Farms. Street art in some places. And anyway, I don't remember much about Maryland, other than thinking that whoever drew the state lines for that state was obviously drunk. Have you seen Maryland on a map? It makes the least sense of any state. Fact. 

So, yeah, HELLO STEEMIT... I heard about you from a goat farmer in Maryland. Funny how these tings happen. 

My name is Dave. I will continue to offer valid, useful, critical feedback about this platform. I may or may not do so in a humorous manner. I may digress. I may post original art, original poems, original stories, unoriginal thoughts, and news, yes maybe even news... 

"Let me please introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste..." TRS

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