Hey! guys! I wanna introduce myself today.

and I want you know something about me!

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My name is "Keishiro", and Im Japanese.

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My age is 18 now, Im freshman in NAGASAKI University in Japan.
You know, NAGASAKI is quite good city, and has a lot of historical places.
If you have a chance to come Japan, I want you to choose this good place!

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In my university, Im studying economics. Also I really like to study about Business. Actually, I want to be a entrepreneur in the future, so I have some plans about my life and my business :)

As well as I have been studying English, but I know my English is not good now. I mean I always have many mistakes in my essay, so I have to study harder and keep studying! Last month, I had been in Cebu, Philippine to study IELTS. Because I have to get good score for my future....

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From now, I would like to tell about MY DREAMS.
I have many big dream, and I want to keep chasing my dream through all of my life.

My biggest dream is to be a entrepreneur.
I believe the first step to be entrepreneur is gain influence and many followers. Thats why I started this steemit, and I have a plan to start posting on Youtube and Dtube with @minamiyololife. I know it is very strict way, but I want to do it!!


Also we have a plan to have own business, like online shops. So now, we are studying about business, especially about programming. I want to be a experts about programming, and now Im studying PHP. also still I have to learn a lot of things to get success in our business, but I really excited about that!!

My another dream is travelling a lot of places all over the world.
I really want to go to Thailand, and I want to ride elephants there. and learning languages is also my plan. I want to acquire French and Chinese. You know its like low-key cool??

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This is a one the future plans.

Now, I would like to tell you about my hobbies.
I keen on exercise, and I go to gym everyday with @minamiyololife and other fiend to work-out and swim and we can take bath there!!

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When I was high school student, I was belong to soccer team, and my position was CB. I had been played soccer for 6 years. Also now I love it. before that, I joined swimming club and baseball team. and I had been playing for 8 years and 4 years respectively. Maybe thats why I really like exercise and I strongly believe exercising is good for not only health but also a lot of phase in life.

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Secondly, I like to study, I mean I like to know some thing new! As what I said before Im interested in business like starting a business as well as steemit. These days Im studying about investing as well. BUT to be honest, I do not like studying in universities, especially mathematics....

Thats my hobbies.

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You know, my steemit ID is YOLO-LIFE, and this is my motto.
"YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" I really like this phrase. I want to live with doing what I really like and with the people I love. Thats why I want to be a entrepreneur, because we can do every thing what I want to do. In the fact, in Japan, most of people work in company. Of course I do not think it is bad, but just I do not want to be that. I mean I want to live in my life for myself not company.

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Todays introduce is thats it.
I want you know me through my posts and videos. Also I want to know about you guys! please come to contact me and lets talk!! Finally thank you for reading and nice to see you again !!

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