My presentation, come, meet Konstantin ! :)


Hi everyone, as a someone who like psychology, understand human behavior and as a trader. As a trader, I have to educate my self again and again about how thing work and look back my new & old believe on a regular basis, I become a big read-lover of psychology , scientific book and many others philosophic book.
How ever, I only start quickly to grow, when someone told me, reading it is not enough, you also must study a book, like you did in school. By this, I mean, read a book once, think, re-read this book chapter by chapter if not by pages, and explain to your simple in simplify words of what it does mean.
How to change thing…etc. Basically, spend 6 months if needed one simple book. Since the objective it is not to read as much, but to learn as much. And I think I don’t have to mention you, that even if you re-read the same book in future, you will keep learning something new.
Since then, I re-read many book, work on them for long time and amazing change happen. Tested them and keep what work and what it is not.
What I want to bring to this community, it’s “Awareness” about your self and the world. This, by using scientific method and mathematic formula to understand how life work. Yes, I’m one of those who see life as a mathematic world and I can proof my statement.
What I offer as a service here:
• A simple and quick review of a book, chapter by chapter
• A simplify way to understand thing (by using visual image or schema)
• An open discutient where we can help each other to grow as person
Note: My blog, are mostly made on my personal experience with the chapter subject and my personal perspective about the subject. As a trader, I learn the importance to look all 3 directions;
• What to do if market go Up?
• What to do if market go Down?
• What to do if nothing happens?
And…how to exit. Same way…I analyse every subject.
I don’t take my self as a guru…at all, I only re-port what I learn and want to be challenged if needed, since it’s the way we grow 😊 isn’t?
Thank you
!, as a someone who like psychology, understand human behavior and as a trader. As a trader, I have to educate my self again and again about how thing work and look back my new & old believe on a regular basis, I become a big read-lover of psychology , scientific book and many others philosophic book.

How ever, I only start quickly to grow, when someone told me, reading it is not enough, you also must study a book, like you did in school. By this, I mean, read a book once, think, re-read this book chapter by chapter if not by pages, and explain to your simple in simplify words of what it does mean.

How to change thing…etc. Basically, spend 6 months if needed one simple book. Since the objective it is not to read as much, but to learn as much. And I think I don’t have to mention you, that even if you re-read the same book in future, you will keep learning something new.

Since then, I re-read many book, work on them for long time and amazing change happen. Tested them and keep what work and what it is not.

What I want to bring to this community, it’s “Awareness” about your self and the world. This, by using scientific method and mathematic formula to understand how life work. Yes, I’m one of those who see life as a mathematic world and I can proof my statement.

What I offer as a service here:
• A simple and quick review of a book, chapter by chapter
• A simplify way to understand thing (by using visual image or schema)
• An open discutient where we can help each other to grow as person

Note: My blog, are mostly made on my personal experience with the chapter subject and my personal perspective about the subject. As a trader, I learn the importance to look all 3 directions;
• What to do if market go Up?
• What to do if market go Down?
• What to do if nothing happens?

And…how to exit. Same way…I analyse every subject.
I don’t take my self as a guru…at all, I only re-port what I learn and want to be challenged if needed, since it’s the way we grow 😊 isn’t?

Thank you


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