Introduction : A bit about me

The past 40 years I am wandering around in this amazing world. As a teen I entered the event industry. Firstly doing some basic techy stuff at small music-venues and conventions . Placing the light- and audio equipment, and sometimes basic video equipment like beamers for a meeting. My next step was moving to another country Belgium, at that time I was in my early twenties.

In 2003 I started to work for an upcoming broadcast company pioneering in FULL HD TV. While America already was working in HD (720p), this company had the ambition to bring it to the next level. 1080p Full HD! Most equipment I worked with, was fresh on the market or in beta-test state. I spend four years working at this place. Seeing it grow from facilitating local TV shows (for the Dutch/Belgiums Samson en Gert, Studio 100) and concerts, too be the host broadcast for several global events like the Olympics, Pan-America Games, World Soccer Championship, and many more sport and music events. It was a lifetime experience. Like I said working with the newest of newest equipment, most companies couldn´t afford and building their own OB (outside broadcast) vans (trucks). At the time I left, they had close over 20 OB vans and a complete studio complex.

My first two years I spend on the road, going from event to event. Mostly in Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Working 100 hours a week, was easy with lots of fun and standby times during the events. My colleagues became my friends and home was just a place to sleep.


the technical part of broadcast

The second two years I started to work in the warehouse. I got my own department in service & support. Building, configuration and first one you called if you had a problem. I had direct contact with all major suppliers and got first hand training. It was a job none would ever have taken. One of the many memories I recall, is the hectic of most workdays. I remember talking 3 languages at almost the same time, which was really confusion. A German and Belgium colleague in front of me and an English-spoken person on the phone, all had urgent questions and deadlines. So while one was doing what I had him told to, I could speak with the other and so on. Instand switching languages. In 10 minutes everyone was taken care off and I completely forgot what I was doing. It's one of those things, I am really glad I can´t do anymore.


a 1080p wide projection-screen with 5 full HD projectors.

After 4 years working at this company I moved to Germany. Starting in the audiovisual installation industry. It took me a while to lower my standards. Broadcast is very high-end and this was somewhere between consumer and high-end tech. Although the company I worked for, manufactured state of the art design office furniture. Mostly tables and media-walls.

It was my first experience with design. And I must say, design isn´t always what they say. I learned the difference between let's say Ikea and what standard this company had, high-end at the top of the market. The types of wood (sometimes the whole length of a tree), the type of varnish, the small details everything was taken care off. Even these days when I go into a boardroom I am touching the table, to feel the smoothness and notice the difference with what I used to install. Sofar nothing comes close to what I've experienced. 2 years I have worked for this company, flying over the world China, America and driving through Europe. Like my work in Belgium, home was just a place to sleep.


At the age of 28 my thyroid stopped working, my body and mind got a hold on me and I moved back to the Netherlands. This period was one of the best in my life, it was a rebirth. With many challenging depths. I took part in a one-and-half year trajectory of daily group therapy (8am till 4pm, 5 days a week). This form of therapy was very intense. Everybody had to take responsibility for themselves and got addressed to it. If you couldn´t take responsibility or the group safety got in question, you had to leave the group. It was serious business and I am very glad I took part in this program. I got closer to myself and was able to set boundaries and taking care of myself.

During this period I drew a lot and created many drawings. Some were expressions of my mind and some just trying to figure out how to draw an eye for instance.




Meanwhile it's over 10 years ago. I got to rebuild my life and have continued working in the audiovisual industry with several employers and as-of 2019 as freelancer (self-employed).

Till the pandemic. This game-changer changed a lot on many levels and it became another moment in my life to reflect.

I got "awaken" in a world, I never recognized. Several things I knew as kid, but chose to ignore. This global game that is been played. Like many others, I was impressed and I dove deep in the rabbit hole. At a certain point it didn´t bring me much further, only pain and rejections. Work became hard. As I did lose a few clients and several freelance colleagues didn´t want to work with me anymore, due to my changed worldview. I got in another survival mode. A bit done with this rabbit hole, I decided that there had to be more. This can´t be all.

In 2021 my spiritual awakening kicked in. And that was a ride I will never forget. Although letting go of the past is a big thing, if you want to grow and create new experiences. A.k.a. ascending. I started to remember who I was in past lives and how energy is working. Without any kind of plant-medicine or other form of going into a higher state. I could easily go into past lives, remote viewing, picking up energy and seeing more than the usual. It was another 180-view on life and the world.

All these changes and discoveries the past 3 years, became very challenging. I decided to quit the work field I am familiar with (I literly can´t do it anymore), letting go of old believe systems, letting go of my past life and all that keeps me stuck. It's a huge change in uncertainty. The only way is forward and thrive.

The biggest challenge I am facing right now, is to be my true self and stay connected with my body and especially my heart center.

In my previous and upcoming posts on Hive. I'll take you with me in my path of embodiment and healing myself.



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