It Was a Dark & Stormy Night...

To quote the great Mick Jagger "please allow me to introduce myself..."

Ok, so maybe not an introduction of self, rather of content: 

For many, many years I've contemplated telling "my story," but I was never sure who I would tell it to and who would even want to listen.

How would I attract readers, what type of readers do I want to attract, etc. Up until about three weeks ago (due to waiting on acceptance and approval from Steemit...hmmmm, felt like high school there) I was still contemplating; however, contemplation turned to confirmation upon acceptance, kind of like putting my fate in Steemit's 'hands.'

So now I sit here asking myself a new series of questions: How much do I want to share, do I leave bits and pieces out, do I include the good, the bad, AND the ugly?! I'm guessing yeah, because you can't really have a good story if you have only part of the narrative. So, if you feel like listening, I'm feeling up to talking...oh, keep in mind names have been changed to protect the 'innocent' but everything in here really happened.... 

Stay tuned...

Still Haunted

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