Hello, Steemit! I’m Lacey. And I’m weeeeeeeeeird.


My husband calls me a Hippie, but I think I like makeup and deodorant too much to qualify for that title.

Who likes titles, anyway?

Seriously though, God Bless my husband. He always encourages me and tolerates my obscurities.

I’ve been browsing posts the past couple of days wondering how well I will fit in here, but the rebel inside of my says, “Go for it!” Plus it's a SUPER new moon today, and what better day than today to just GO FOR IT? :D

My brother introduced me to this site as a place to write and connect with people in a fun and interactive environment. hashtagsweet (wait….do you all do hashtags??)

So the weird part:
I love researching, discussing, and participating in new agey stuff, spiritual, consciousness-raising anything. Like: astral travel, energy, the matrix, the multi-verse, God (not religion, particularly), personal power, oracle cards, manifestation, magical and sparkly things, and angels/spirit guides. I’m an Empath and a healer. And if I could live anywhere it would be in a crystal cave, though I would totally settle for having an amazing amethyst coffee table (like this one from 1stdibs.com that is out of stock...sad face):


Ok, so now we have that out of the way, here’s the not as weird stuff:
I’m a mom (of 5…ok that might be weird to some). I live near the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains. I love to play MMORPG’s (I love me some raid nights as a gnome mage named Stehlla). My favorite food is Bacon (though I occasionally balance that with green juice). I drive a minivan. I love leopard print and sequined everything. And I rarely watch TV.

Cheers, m8! (with ma' green juice):


I aspire to inspire people to new levels of awareness (including myself) and have some fun along the way.

Lots of Love,

(or Lacey…whichever you prefer)

P.S. I hope I did this right!

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