S1 Ep 1 - The Fool

I have always felt a part of myself missing...
The feeling of not belonging, of not being part of a whole, of fitting in the conventional...
This has been with me for as long as I can remember...

The Fool

I have always been interested in the fringes of life.  The boundaries.  
Probably because I had my first out of body experience when I was 6.
I somehow knew that life isn't just about what we see, smell, touch and hear.

I have spent time in the realms of personal development, shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, streetwise spirituality among other disciplines.

Just like The Fool - with just a light sack, a flower at hand and a trusty companion
- I am taking my next step into an unknown abyss of Steemit - by invitation of @kevinwong
I am currently taking an interest in Tarot - Jung's ideas on archtypes embedded into our psyches and how they play out in life is very interesting.
This space will probably be a mash of thoughts, life stories and spirituality - rolled up into one.

After all - that's what mastery is - when life, work, spirituality are a seamless stream.
Where duality does not exist and everything forms from the singular One True Source.



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