Whats up Steemit! Actor and Producer Sean Frederic here, coming to you live from Hollywood.

Hello Fellow Steemers! I'm so excited to finally be part of the Steem nation. 

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                                                                                A Little About Myself

Well to start off my name is Sean Frederic and I am a actor and producer living in Los Angeles California. I moved here about 2 years ago to follow my dream of working in the entertainment industry. In such a short time I have managed to learn a lot of what it takes to make it in this town ( not an easy task). Since I moved here I have had the honor of working on multiple cool projects

 Have you heard of the TV show Outsiders?  Well if you have, here is a scene I was in from the season 1 finale.  It was honestly the first real set I was on.

One of my best friends just had to mess with me though lol

 Here I am playing a cop in a feature about to bust through the door and make the arrest!!

Not only have I been acting in films, but now producing has also become a very active role in my life. I am currently an Executive Producer of a feature film that starts filming in August.  I'm honestly floored at this opportunity to work with actors on this that I have watched in some of my favorite films (Django being one of them). If that wasn't enough one of my Co Executive Producers is a VP of Disney Productions. Opportunity keeps on knocking I guess. 

Here is the link the the movies IMDB if you are interested in following the progress


                  One thing that is not in short supply in this city is interesting people

Yup its Ron Jeremy and when we met up that night I couldn't help but notice the white stains on his shirt lmfao. Actually he is a super nice guy and I'm happy to call him a friend !

This guy is always on Hollywood Blvd and funny as hell. We found this baby and named him Carlos.

Probably the best thing I love about living here is that everyone is able to be themselves without judgment. I have had my struggles in the past that have taught me how to not only appreciate life but all those around me as well. To care about everyone unconditionally and do everything I can to help those in my life. 

Another interest I have had all my life has been the Paranormal. I have for years been a member of multiple Paranormal Investigation Groups, and have braved the dark unknown abyss. No but seriously,  I have had the opportunity to investigate some pretty spooky places and get actual evidence of supernatural occurrences.  Some of you might recognize this guy from SyFy Channels Ghost Hunters

Well I guess that's the short version introduction. I look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing my (Hopeful) path to the big screen!!!!! Until then I'll just keep my spot on Hollywood Blvd warm 

Live Long and Stay Steemy 


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